UKIP's most popular and prolific tweeter David Jones, who is regularly retweeted by all the UKIP hierarchy including their two MPS and their MEPs, has twelve and a half thousand followers which makes him the most popular member of UKIP on social media. His twitter account is peppered with calls for Islam to be banned and tweets calling for Muslims to be expelled from Britain, but Muslims are not Mr Jones's only pet (race) hate.
He also loathes black people with a vengeance also, and wishes Britain was wholly white (read on).

His vile anti-black racist words, "Three blacks rape girl in london. Still think immigration was a good idea..... me neither".......
Feel free to make your own screenshots of the tweet, just in-case it is deleted under orders of Nigel Farage and chums, who are trying to "whitewash" the party before the forthcoming general election.
The tweet is identical to the kind of vile white supremacist tweets posted by Nick griffin in the last five years.
Anybody who is black, and is thinking of lending their vote to UKIP as a protest vote, think again.
Also, when voting, please bear in the mind the sworn statement from UKIP founder Dr Alan Sked: -
Reviving claims that Farage repeatedly used the n-word when referring to black voters, Sked described: "He wanted ex-National Front candidates to run and I said, 'I'm not sure about that,' and he said, 'There's no need to worry about the nigger vote. The nig-nogs will never vote for us.'"

Please read this article from 1999, when Farage has been confronted with a photo of himself meeting BNP bomber Tony LeComber, which also makes reference to the fact that UKIP meetings had always been accompanied by the words "n*gger" and "n*gnogs).
At the party's conference two years ago, al journalists were ejected from the room whilst UKIP discussed Muslims and Islam, ensuring that any neo-nazi sentiments were firmly kept behind closed doors.
Nigel Farage mdoelling himself on Putin, if UKIP succeed in gaining the slightest whiff of permanent electoral power at the forthcoming election, all minotities will suffer fascist oppression.
Hide the following 11 comments
27.12.2014 17:03
As an African-Caribbean woman living in London, I find parties like UKIP absolutely frightening.
Just how UKIP's leading campaigner can expect to get away with tweeting such race hate is beyond me.
Blaming black people, Roma people, EU migrant workers and Muslim brothers and sisters for violent crime, is just like Adolf Hitler did, back in the last century.
Any black people contemplating voting UKIP. You will be f*cking turkeys voting for Christmas.
Stand Strong, People!
27.12.2014 17:08
Malcolm X
We all know....
27.12.2014 17:14
UKIP is a Trojan horse for nazis.
First UKIP come for the Muslims..... Then Roma people ..... Then black people
27.12.2014 17:18
Martin Neimoller
kipper coalition frightens me
27.12.2014 17:23
imagine if the home secretary was ukip.
stop and search numbers would increase
more armed officers patrolling the streets of london where African-Caribbean people live.
race relations laws would be scrapped
more deaths in police custody
sadly too, more riots fuelled by injustice against black Londoners
Will nige take action
27.12.2014 17:40
He will be sucking David Jones's KKK cock as usual.
Jones shares so much UKIP propaganda on Twitter, Farage doesn't give a shit.
There is more likelihood of pigs flying over number ten than david jones being proscribed by the party.
But according to Sked, Nige calls black people "nig nogs". So he's just as fucking bad.
27.12.2014 17:46
Scum like him hark back directly to the 1970s when black people were called rapists on NF leaflets.
Jones is probably aged 55 to 60, and has a lengthy far right history.
He wants Muslims to be fed bacon in prison. He really is a contemptible little prick who seems to have wormed his way into the UKIP hierarchy.
It wouldn't surprise me if David Jones is only a pseudonym. His real name could be far more familiar, in UKIP political circles......
Perhaps he has already been elected,
David Jones is a UKIP Councillor
27.12.2014 18:19
"David Jones becomes first Ukip councillor elected to Swale council after landslide win at Sheppey Central by-election
17 October 2014
by Lewis Dyson
Ukip won by a landslide in the Sheppey Central by-election - securing more than half of the votes.
David Jones becomes the party's first candidate to be elected to Swale council and joins fellow representative Adrian Crowther, who defected from the Conservatives last year.
There was a poor turnout at the election with only 1,425 votes cast out of an eligible electorate of 7,156 (19.9%)".
If that's.....
27.12.2014 18:21
.....he looks like a right twat!
Councillor??? David Jones -
27.12.2014 18:24
Dig the dirt.
Doctor DOXX
Frottage and Twitter
27.12.2014 18:32