Her words "Bigotry is an important part of diversity because it maintains differences".
Tell that to the victims of violent racial assaults, or the relatives of a racial murder victim.
"Complaining about bigotry is a part of totalitarian ideology as it seeks to stigmatize any form of dissent and criticism that stems from rejection".
Her facebook profile: - https://www.facebook.com/people/Tina-Wilson/100004540864373
Presumably if she treats the victims of hate crime in hospital, she will tell them to "smile" and call them "Stalinists".
OTAN - Do your worst. Let's find out her real identity, and if she does work for the NHS, let's get her fired.
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06.11.2014 06:31
Fully agree, anybody who has views different from ours must be hunted down and their earning ability eliminated. Only when the entire world thinks just like us will the world be free.
No to free speech !
No to individual views !
No to alternative opinions !