3-6 July. 5 and 6 July will take place at University of London Union, Malet Street, WC1E 7HY

IFF will include lectures, debates, workshops, films and plenty of space for objections, dissent and criticism. It will open with a Thursday night Radical Walking Tour of East London and a special Friday night meeting on One hundred years of women's struggles, 1914-2014.
Other discussions will include:
• Activists from the Turkish rank-and-file workers' movement UID-DER on working-class struggle in Turkey after the Soma mine disaster
• How can the unions regrow? With Lambeth Unison branch secretary Ruth Cashman, Jason Moyer-Lee of University of London IWGB and professor Gregor Gall
• Will there be a Labour government? What should the left demand of Labour? With John McDonnell MP, James Elliott of NUS executive and Labour Students for Free Education and Jill Mountford from the Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign.
• Oppression and liberation: Marxism and “intersectionality”; The politics of sex and “sexualisation”; Building international solidarity for LGBT rights
• Is the far right winning over Europe's workers? With Yves Coleman of the French journal Ni patrie ni frontières
• How can we stop and reverse the rising tide of inequality? With the Equality Trust
• Should the left ever call for foreign intervention? Debate with James Bloodworth of Left Food Forward
• Learning from the Miners' Strike: the story of the strike, how the miners could have won, the strike and liberation politics (with a speaker from Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners)
• Learn from the First World War: workers' struggles during the war, the women's movement and the war, how world war became world revolution
• 25 years on: what 1989 meant for the future of socialism
• A history of migration and migrants' struggles in Britain, with Vicki Morris
• Learn from the socialist environmental activism of 2006-10
• Gloom and doom: the allure of the crime thriller, with screenwriter Clive Bradley
• Introduction to Marxism sessions: How could a revolution happen in Britain? How can socialism end women's oppression? How can socialism end war? Why the state serves the ruling class and not the people.
• Plus speakers from the Lifeworks and Ritzy Living Wage struggles, NUS International Students' Officer-elect Shreya Paudel on defending migrants, RMT Women's Advisory Committee chair Becky Crocker and much more...
Weekend tickets bought for 13 June are £32 waged, £17 low-waged/uni students, £7 unwaged/school or college students. Day tickets also available. You can book online at

Free creche and accommodation (get in touch to book) and cheap food.
For more info email