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Worried about prices at the pump? Or is it still way too cheap to save a livable climate? Even big fossil fuel executives wonder if we'll find enough energy, or retain an economy to pay for it.
An in-depth conversation with a surprising mind, about your energy future. I phoned up to argue with physicist and Nobel Laureate Robert B. Laughlin of Stanford University. That's a mistake, because he's the expert, and anyway, Robert wants to argue. Learn a lot. His book is: "Powering the Future: How We Will Eventually Solve the Energy Crisis and Fuel the Civilization of Tomorrow."
Later in this program, we talk with Dr. Rose Cory, lead author of a newly published paper. She found another surprise agent whipping up the production of greenhouse gases in the far North. It's yet another positive feedback loop in the rapidly changing Arctic.
That is a recipe for a climate shift unseen for millions of years. We are already half way there. The permafrost is melting - and wafting up into the atmosphere.
The show includes a new song, from an upcoming tour of North America and Britain, by a hot new Australian band, at permaculturesongs.com. It's called "No Such Thing As Waste".
Hear the Formidable Vegetable Sound System 26 June at Glastonbury Festival,
or 27 July - Secret Garden Party.