Thursday 16th June 2011
For Immediate Release
Permission has, this afternoon, been refused for one of the largest beagle breeding facilities in Europe following a Planning Development Meeting held by East Riding of Yorkshire Council at County Hall, Beverley.
B&K Universal, owned by US-based Marshall Farms, planned to construct the facility to hold 2,000 beagle dogs destined for laboratory experiments across Great Britain. It was the first such facility proposed to be built in the UK for half a century and saw global condemnation.
Campaigners and local residents have understandably welcomed the decision.
NAVA Spokesperson, Luke Steele, commented:
“This is an outstanding and monumental victory for the movement against vivisection and progression of medical science.”
“We would like to thank everybody who took part in the campaign to stop the facility being constructed – from local residents to activists across the globe – and the council for making such a decision.”
“Two-thousands beagles have been spared from living their lives inside barren industrial units and being poisoned in laboratories. No words can describe how grateful we are to those who voted against such barbarity.”
“It is now down to those involved in vivisection to follow public opinion and take up research techniques which do not involve animal suffering.”
Calls have been made for an increased focus on Harlan in Leicestershire, the last company remaining in the UK to breed dogs for laboratories. Activists from across the country will descend on Loughborough Town Centre and the kennels this Saturday in protest against the facility.
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For further comments, please contact NAVA Spokesperson Luke Steele on 07980 591851
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