Global population growth is a key factor in environmental sustainability alongside consumption and technology but it is rarely if ever acknowledged; why is this? We will look at the problems it causes and discuss how through voluntary means such as improved reproductive healthcare, female empowerment, sex education and socio-economic
development, a truly sustainable society can be achieved.
The meeting will start at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday 2nd March at the University Arms, 197 Brook Hill, Sheffield, S3 7HG
The University Arms is close to the tram, get off at the Sheffield University stop, and several buses pass nearby including 51 & 52, stopping almost next to the pub, with 94 & 95 a short walk away. Parking is available in the streets behind the pub.
You can see a map of the location with this link: q=university+arms+sheffield
I have attached two versions of the flyer, A4 and A5. If you know where you can display one please do put up a copy.
I hope you can join us