“The PCS will be discussing this with other unions and will propose at the TUC Public Sector Liaison Group meeting on 8 November that the TUC call such a demonstration.
Out of the PCS Union branches in Sheffield from across the Departments (DWP, DfEd, BIS, Home Office, HMRC etc etc) comes a call for a grassroots, labour movement led anti-cuts movement in Sheffield.
The inaugaral meeting will be on 24th November, 5pm at the Sheffield Novotel. This meeting will bring together workers, trade unionists, students, pensioners, the unemployed, volunteers, community campaigners and the people of Sheffield in general to set up a working, grassroots and fully democratic body of action to fight and mobilise against the cuts. Sheffield Anti-Cuts Campaign Speaking out in support of public services in Sheffield
Wednesday 24th November
5:30 p.m. - Furnival Suite,
Novotel Hotel, Arundel Gate Sheffield, S1 2PR
We The unemployed need to add our voice to the campaign and speak up for public services to help ensure that the people who paid for the bailout don’t have to pay for it AGAIN with their jobs and services and attacks on our beanafits.
This initial meeting aims to bring together Sheffield Trade Unions, community groups and students to discuss how best to organise and campaign against the cuts – all are welcome to attend.
For further information contact

As an unemployed person I have an issue with workers at the DWP they’re the people that place people onto slave labour work at A4E and such crap placements, the people that stop people’s income if they fail to comply to being on crap placements such as A4E..
They’re the people who refuse to see us, the unemployed, as human. It seems we are being asked to campaign at their side and save their jobs..
But when New Labour’s New Deal came in the PCS did not take strike action, not a murmur and those who did take action the so called workers phoned the police and had us nicked..
As an unemployed personI will defend people and there jobs, but unity comes both ways and in the last few days I have had to deal with The DWP and once more I have been treated like nothing more than scum by front line workers, all I asked was a change of addres form.
They in turn become aggressive and in body language ie pointing a finger at my chest saying I was the one being abuse..
So when has hello could you help, I need a change of address form been abusive? This was all what was said in turn I had staff and securtiy giving myself full on intimidation and harassment, these front line workers place us unemployed in fear.
But when us unemployed begin to organise they say we are attacking them as happened to myself last few days, once more these cunts have proven why a lot of people who are unemployed treat them with contempt:
Perhaps they need to ponder their actions towards us the unemployed and understand trust and respect will be given back when they’re on the picket line, but as it stands at the moment The PCS can in words just fuck off..
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03.11.2010 21:19
Middleclass mingling.net
No solidarity with the bosses in their pathetic hypocritical struggles
03.11.2010 22:23
I'm more and more coming to see the importance of another part of IWW philosophy, it's kind of obvious but I think well worth pointing out to answer your concerns. Sometimes we lose sight of the distinction between boss and worker, as classes (obviously, as I don't want to make a distinction between someone who works and someone unemployed on that basis alone, I'm long-term unemployed myself). I'm not familiar enough with the unions you're talking about to make proper comments, but to my reading, someone who pushes someone else into a specific job with threats is very much boss class. People who'll be grabbing tightly onto their jobs and pushing everyone else off with pleasure. Which is exactly what your experience sounds like a few years back with the new deal.
Obviously there are issues - the PCS is presumably not just boss class so we need to think about ways to support those who need support and confronting those who need to be confronted. But if people who happily fuck over other workers without a moment's thought are now asking for our help, they need a good kicking.
Interesting article.
I just knew underclassrising.net was unemployed
03.11.2010 23:15
I mean, would you ever, ever employ some one who blames every one else for their own failings and perceive work as a too unworthy for themselves?
With your kind of attitude sonny jim, you will be very hard pressed to find someone willing to employ you.
further tolerance
further tolerance
03.11.2010 23:33
wage slavery
04.11.2010 00:17
fuck work
04.11.2010 17:38
Thats fine. I've no problem with that. If you have alternative means to put a roof over your head and food in your belly then fair enough.
None of us want to work. I'm sure that the hunter/gathers in africa don't want to have to go looking for food, but they'd starve without it, so they do it anyway.
What I've got a problem with is people who call for the disbandment of the evil state and yet also rely on it for their welfare. If by some amazing event there is the destruction of the state, then it will also mean the destruction of welface. We'd end up like Somalia. What are people who are unwaged for 35 years going to live off.
Anyway, I've got to get on with some work - people on welfare are depending on me.
Further tolerance