in Newcastle coincides with the BBC Radio 3 FREE THINKING festival this weekend.
St Johns Church Hall, Grainger Street, Newcastle
We are proud to announce a full list of meetings to accompany the (20 tables) bookfair (there is a list of groups on the website).
The meetings are 1.30-2.30pm - Tyne & Wear Left Unity introduce the economic crisis and explain why the cuts & job losses are not necessary, except to protect the rich and the bankers who never suffer, with discussion.
2.30pm-3.30pm The IWW (Dave Douglass introduce the Industrial Workers of the World, why industrial unionism is necessary, and covers issues like the right to strike (in the context of the BA dispute) and current perspectives, followed by questions/discussion.
3.30-4.45pm TCAR Anti racist book discussion - The End of Tolerance: Racism in 21st Century Britain by Arun Kundnani
Followed by a Gig and workers social at The Bridge Hotel, Castlegarth, from 7pm onwards - featuring; Beeswing, Keith Armstrong, David Douglass, Gary Miller, Kiddars Luck, Mike Elliott and Lisa Campbell
David Douglass today said; "These events certainly put some badly needed ideas into the open in this age of crisis. For too long there have been too few forums where the broad Left and anarchists can meet and socialise as equals, treating each others views with respect. This is the largest united broad left event in Newcastle in Donkeys years".
FFI contact Dave on 07931301901