the authors of the "Project for the New American Century"report
source: Rebuilding America's Defenses (a report by "The Project for the New American Century", September 2000)

Did 9/11 really "change everything"?
We've been told that 9/11 changed everything.
Is it true?
Let's look:
• The Afghanistan war was planned before 9/11 (see this and this)

• The decision to launch the Iraq war was made before 9/11. Indeed, former CIA director George Tenet said that the White House wanted to invade Iraq long before 9/11, and inserted "crap" in its justifications for invading Iraq. Former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill - who sat on the National Security Council - also says that Bush planned the Iraq war before9/11. And top British officials say that the U.S. discussed Iraq regime change one month after Bush took office


• Cheney apparently even made Iraqi's oil fields a national security priority before 9/11

• The Patriot Act was planned before 9/11

• Cheney dreamed of giving the White House the powers of a monarch long before 9/11

• Cheney and Rumsfeld actively generated fake intelligence which exaggerated the threat from an enemy in order to justify huge amounts of military spending long before 9/11. And see this

• Cheney and the rest of the neocons lamented - before 9/11 - that America could not truly project its power globally without the justification of a "new Pearl Harbor"

• The government's spying on Americans began before 9/11 (confirmed here and here. And see this)

• The decision to threaten to bomb Iran was made before 9/11

• The government knew that terrorists could use planes as weapons -- and had even run its own drills of planes being used as weapons against the World Trade Center and other U.S. high-profile buildings, using REAL airplanes -- all before 9/11

• The government heard the 9/11 plans from the hijackers' own mouths before 9/11

• Cheney was in charge of all counter-terrorism programs for the United States before (and on) 9/11. See this Department of State announcement, this CNN article and this essay

• It was known long before 9/11 that torture doesn't work to produce accurate intelligence, but is an effective way to terrorize people

So did 9/11 really "change everything"? Or was it simply an excuse to implement existing plans?
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International law expert: Ahmadinejad is right about 9/11!
26.09.2010 15:28
An international lawyer says many now question the truth behind the 9/11 attacks, and that American citizens are demanding an international probe into the incident.
"Ahmadinejad is absolutely rational and correct on this, that the American people are now coming to the point of demanding an international inquiry (into the 9/11 attacks), " Franklin Lamb told Press TV. [Listen to Franklin Lamb's radio interview [1] with Kevin Barrett of Muslims for 9/11 Truth. [2] )
The Beirut-based lawyer was referring to remarks by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad [3] in his address to the 65th UN General Assembly that the 9/11 incident might have been the result of an inside job in the United States.
"This call [for an international investigation] didn't start in the Middle East. It stated more than a year ago in Canada, in Europe, in Latin America, and increasingly in America itself," he continued.
"There are just too many questions raised by architects, by pilots [4], by experts [5], by engineers [6], by [US Department of] Homeland Security employees and the FBI," the international lawyer reiterated.
"There is every reason to have an inquiry and the [US President Barack] Obama administration should join this call, not oppose it," he underlined.
The lawyer added what President Ahmadinejad said was a 'logical proposal' and that "the president of Iran is now in synchronization with the majority of the American people. [7] "
* * *
"Only 16 per cent of respondents say the government headed by U.S. president George W. Bush is telling the truth on what it knew prior to the terrorist attacks, down five points since May 2002." Angus Reid poll, 2006 [7]
Franklin Lamb