The dates in each region are as follows:
* 19 May - North Cumbria: Penrith; Penrith Methodist Church
* 9 June - Northumberland: Alnwick; Northumberland Hall
* 23 June - Tyne & Wear: Newcastle; Star and Shadow cinema
* 7 July - Durham: Durham; Alington House
* 21 July - North Yorkshire: Whitby; The Coliseum
* 22 Sept - East Yorkshire & North Lincolnshire: Hull; Quaker Meeting House HU3
* 6 October - Leeds & Wakefield: Leeds; St Georges Centre (city centre) LS1
* 20 October - West Yorkshire: Bradford; Great Horton village Hall BD7
* 3 November - South Yorkshire & Chesterfield: Sheffield; Quaker meeting house S1
* 8 December: - Pan regional
Running from 9:30 to 4, the event will consist of workshops in the morning followed by lunch and networking in the afternoon.
There will be 4 workshops at each event: Keeping bees; Create a sustainable home using permaculture concepts; A local permaculture project and how to get involved; and one on a local issue identified by the Transition groups in each area, ranging from thermal imaging projects to creating a local food website.
Full details and locations for all the events will be added as soon as we have them. Places are free but limited to 50 for each event. Please contact the office