The English Defence League (EDL) claims to oppose Islamic extremism but in reality they target all Muslims. The group is made up of football hooligans, racists and fascists and they believe that Muslims and non-Muslims cannot live together. Over the past year the EDL has caused trouble in towns and city across the country, often attacking shops and homes and costing local people millions of pounds.
They are calling their protest of Bradford "the big one". They have their sights on causing trouble in our city.
Bradford has witnessed enough trouble over the years - we do not need more. That is why many people are now calling on the Government to ban the EDL protest. We do not want them stoking up a riot in Bradford.
The vast majority of Bradfordians want a peaceful city; not one in which outside agitators turn into a battlefield. If enough Bradfordians ask then the Home Secretary will grant us a ban.
A group called Bradford Together has been set up to try and prevent this inevitable disaster from happening – they are a group from all backgrounds in our city.
For the sake of Bradford, and everyone who lives within it, support the campaign.

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