Many Afganis claim the war claim that it is unjust, and accuse foreign governments including America and Britain as being imperialist Islamophobes who are using racism to attack their people. Every time friendly fire results in another needless civilian casualty, the leaders of the Taliban use the incident to recruit affected people to their cause.
Up and down the country, flying EDL flags while gooseetepping alongside serving soldiers, while army commanders and the police stand idly-by, the EDL have succeeded in bringing shame to each and every soldier attending these parades.
While the leaders of the British Armed Forces have repeatedly claimed that they have no truck with Islamophobia or any other form of racism, they have stood by and allowed their forces to be sullied with association with the fascist street-fighting organisation led by Chris Renton and Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, (both long-standing BNP members).
If the association between troops, veterans and the EDL is allowed to escalate, and this association becomes renowned behaviour, and the world of this becomes worldwide, more and more ordinary Afganis will daily view Britain's involvement in Afganistan as a religious crusade, fuelling fervour which will ultimately result in more roadside bombs, and more British casualties.
The main aim of the EDL is to cause the mother of all race riots in Bradford, destroying the city, which will be inevitable if they are allowed to invade a city still struggling from the tragic BNP/NF incited race riots of 2001, however in recent weeks, the EDL have recently discovered that it is easy to infiltrate British Army and Remembrance events, singing Rule Brittania, making stiff-armed salutes, and claiming moral attachment to every other person at these events.
The EDL's stategists claim that they are hijacking return and rememberance events to make themselves seem more palatable to the public, even though slurpimg from bottles of Carling on public highways and shouting racist abuse to passing Asian people, is hardly militaristically controlled behaviour. Latching on to the army's activities is seen as a public relations exercise, as you can see from a post from the offical EDL facebook group (see screenshot).
Bradford is still going to happen, and it will result in the end of EDL as well as the death of the city, (plus life sentences for murder) however until "Bradford's World War III" (according to EDL on YouTube) happens, the far right organisation have changed tack, organising more and more flash-mob-style "turn up and pretend we are British Army Soldiers" events in smaller numbers that are harder to predict, using "closed units" organised Combat 18-style (for instance Casuals United Leeds (Leeds Service Crew/BPP remnants), which can be mobilised secretly and at much shorter notice.
The EDL do not give a flying fuck about the international ramifications of hijacking the British Army (by association) to turn it into an Islamophobic crusade, unconcerned at how many more roadside bombs will be planted as a result of making British Forces universally known as sympathetic towards racism and neo-Nazism, and how many more British servicemen and women will die as a result of their actions.
(See the following link for how the EDL took over Armed Forces Week Halifax in West Yorkshire: -

The pub featured is the Courtyard in Wards End, a venue whilch tolerates EDL and BNP, and the local authority-owned Piece Hall in Halifax allowed EDL flags to be draped over council property)
Unless the leaders of the British Armed Forces publically speak out against the EDL, this paramilitary private army of drunken racist thugs has the potential to politicise and religiously-charge every maneouvre that British forces conduct around the world.
If it is officially unacceptible for serving soldiers to be BNP members, the same public stance must be taken against the EDL's foolish hijacking of our armed forces, before it is too late!
Hide the following 16 comments
EDl Cowards
28.06.2010 10:40
It's funny how the authorities are turning a blind eye to the army rallies being hijacked by fascists.
And to think the soldiers in World War II fought against fascism!
Captain Pugwash
28.06.2010 10:42
Fascist Pub in Halifax
28.06.2010 11:34
Courtyard in Halifax
Courtyard Pub
5-6 Wards End
Central Halifax
West Yorkshire
The pub is owned by the adminstrators for the London Town Pub Group.
Not Nazis My Arse
28.06.2010 12:07
Read Searchlight Magazine!
Try harder Trevor Kelway!
Nick Lowles and Simon Cressy expose Tommy Robinson
28.06.2010 12:19
Self-proclaimed EDL leader Tommy Robinson is really Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, from Bedford.
In 2004 he joined the BNP with a family membership. In the same year he assaulted an off-duty police officer who intervened to stop a domestic incident between Yaxley-Lennon and his partner Jenna Vowles. During the scuffle Yaxley-Lennon kicked the officer in the head.
He was convicted on 18 April 2005 for assault occasioning actual bodily harm, for which he was sentenced to 12 months’ imprisonment, and assault with intent to resist arrest, for which he received a concurrent term of three months.
Vowles, also a BNP member, was cautioned for possession of cocaine. She told the court that the she found two empty bags in her house and was taking them out so that her parents did not find them.
Yaxley-Lennon attended Putteridge High School in Luton and moved to nearby Bedford more recently. Robinson also claims on his Facebook site that he attended Putteridge school.
The revelation that Robinson had been a member of the BNP explains why so many of the initial EDL activists also attended BNP meetings in the Luton/Bedford area.
More importantly, it dispels the myth that the roots of the EDL are not in hard-core racism.
It destroys the protestations by the EDL leadership that, “They aren’t the BNP and they aren’t Nazis,” made at their phoney press conference held last September in a disused Luton warehouse, where they unfurled a swastika flag and proceeded to try to set it alight for the cameras.
It also explains the real reason why Robinson felt the need to hide his face.
Apart from his BNP membership and his convictions for violence, Robinson told a BBC film crew that he lived in a part of Luton where Islamic fanatics lived and that he feared for his safety. The reality is somewhat different as he lives in Wilstead, a relatively leafy village on the outskirts of Bedford.
The exposure of his identity follows a split in the EDL that is mostly being fought over the internet.
Paul Ray, self-styled spiritual guru of the EDL, has posted a series of messages on his Lionheart blog, in which he and his friend Nick Greger announce their intention to take control of the EDL. Ray was the original mover in creating the EDL, although he quickly fell out with the other leaders and moved abroad to Malta. Ray has focused his efforts on making Crusader-themed anti-Muslim promotional videos, and he and Greger have just issued a notice of “expulsion” of the EDL’s leaders, together with a demand for control of the EDL’s websites.
In one of their videos Greger goes on to say “another well-known man will soon appear within the new leadership, a man from Ulster, who is also currently in exile”.
This is almost certainly a reference to Greger’s friend Johnny Adair, a prominent loyalist terrorist who now lives in Scotland following an intra-loyalist feud. Adair’s friendship with Greger was the subject of a television documentary in 2006, when Adair met Greger while in prison for plotting acts of terror and was then the head of a nazi group in Dresden, Germany.
It is thought that Ray and Greger were responsible for the appearance of a video on YouTube that unveiled Robinson as Stephen Yaxley along with a series of photographs, following outlandish claims by Ray that the EDL led by Robinson threatened to kidnap and harm members of Ray’s family.
Robinson later confirmed on his Facebook page that the photographs were indeed of him, saying, “Hey at least people can see my hansome [sic] face now”.
Darf Fader
Paul Ray Is Right
28.06.2010 13:20
I knew him.
The EDL have been taken over by neo-Nazi fanatics.
Paul Ray is right.
Former EDL Member
calling them neo nazis
28.06.2010 13:32
The EDL Are Liars
28.06.2010 13:47
Just cos a handful of coke-heads swilling Carling lager from bottles and cans, walking down the street happen to tag along with a British Army tank, does not fucking mean that most troops are racist.
You're wasting your time on here, Kelway.
Last November, before the EDL's violent incursion into Manchester, KKKelway you arsehole, you pretended to be gay, posting on a Manchester LGBT forum. You are the EDL's propaganda agent,
Why if Chris Renton is no-longer part of the EDL, why the merry fuck was the twat filmed in Halifax town centre last week leading the EDL's neo-Nazi street presence, with his pair of Speedo goggles around his head as he always does?
Lancaster Unity Reader
Here we go again...
28.06.2010 14:33
Who ever you are, you aren't helping anyone - please go away!!!!
Indymedia: This person is demented, you shouldn't let them publish articles like this. They aren't linked to any activist base and make everyone on the left look hysterical and ridiculous. It's embarrassing, it really is.....
Piss Off, EDL Apologists!
28.06.2010 16:19
Fuck me, but can the trolls really justify people marching through British town centres waving giant racist flags about "No Sharia, No Mosques", in the name of free speech?????
The EDL must be made history, not defended by EDL/BNP keyboard warriors.
It's a crying shame that the brainless EDL trolls themselves love to read and post on Indymedia. Surely Stormfront is more their kind of scene.
"GF" or should I call him "cannot get a GF".... is lEDL loner Trevor Kelway in disguise, back bullshitting to divide and conquer on Indymedia once again.
As for Searchlight, I know some people on the left do not like them, they do seem to come up with some interesting facts about the British far right. Without them, we would have less pure fact to attack the extreme rightwingers with.
Of course, the EDL do not want people to know the truth about Tommy Robinson, that he has been a long-time BNP member, and has served a jail sentence, as it takes away from the supposed victimhood of the "tree-hugging", non-nazis, non-racists of the EDL, who are really only defending Britain from "nasty unloyal possible terrorists with brown skins" who must be punished for not eating pork and refusing to drink alcohol.
There is absolutely no chance that Britain will have Sharia Law for anything more than optional divorce wrangles, so let's put the hate and the lies of the fucking racist EDL into perspective.
I for one, do not want apologists coming on leftwing sites like indymedia bigging up a load of neanderthal thuggish racist knobheads.
Searchlight have shown once and for all that the EDL is run by middle-class neo-nazis.
@lanvaster unity reader
28.06.2010 16:19
chris renton
28.06.2010 16:29
How do I stop them hijacking army parades?
By doing nothing, 'eh, allowing the EDL to walk all over me, in the name of free speech?
That isn't Chris Renton. Anarchists : Stop defending EDL.
28.06.2010 17:58
The EDL are forcing a war between British Muslims and the British Army. There are British Muslims who support the British Army but are against the British government's decision to send them to Iraq and Afghanistan. There are British Muslims in the British Army. If the MOD are behind the EDL as many believe then that is very disturbing.
Ther are British Muslims who do not agree with people like Muslims Against Crusades, Islam4UK and Anjem Choudhary but they are still targeted by the EDL regardless. It's about time that that the MOD banned soldiers from joining the EDL and marching with them.
Support our Troops
28.06.2010 22:29
Hang their Generals
Its like on hunt sabs
29.06.2010 00:25
Bunch of racist twats the EDL there's even a Welsh flag in some of the pics. that's a Welsh idiot in the ENGLISH defence league.
All this shit is typical ruling class divide and rule, the real fash are the ruling class. That's where we should be concentrating our efforts IMO. I know the majority of people in my community will never tolerate this kind of fascism.
Class War
Welsh Defence League
29.06.2010 22:57