Cary Brown, the owner of London Club, has claimed that the foie gras comes from an “ethical” source. Though no meat can be considered ethical, we will pragmatically stop campaigning against the restaurant if there is proof that the “foie gras” is not the conventional product but comes from the very small quantity produced without force-feeding. However, Brown has reneged on his promise to show us any proof, and continues to market the product simply as “foie gras”. As well as supporting violence against animals, he has acted aggressively at both demonstrations to those peacefully protesting.
Please contact London Club to politely request that they stop selling foie gras, at

If you live locally, do join us at an upcoming demo at the restaurant: Wednesday 14th, Friday 23rd, and Friday 30th April, all at 7.30-9pm
Although the production of foie gras is horrific and is very obviously unnecessary, it should not be the limit of our action for animals. A vegan diet is the most effective way of stopping one’s complicity in animal suffering, and the only logical expression of a philosophy of animal liberation. For more information, please see the veganism page on our website.
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