From Rothley, he was educated at Loughborough Grammar School and the University of Leeds where he gained a 2.2 in Economics.
Collett featured on a Channel 4 documentary on the BNP - Young, Nazi, and Proud broadcast in 2002 which concentrated almost exclusively on Collett. He declared his admiration for Adolf Hitler and UDA terrorist Johnny Adair, unaware he was being filmed. Collett was sacked from his position in the party and expelled days after the broadcast, although party leaders continued to share speaking platforms with him.
However he was allowed to rejoin a few days later with chairman Nick Griffin saying that he must change his views on the subject. Collett is was the party's head of publicity and produces the party's monthly magazine Identity.
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT" from BNP Organisers’ Bulletin - March 2010
For several months the party’s internal security team has been running an extensive and long-running investigation. This was initially tasked to investigate:
1) Alleged financial irregularities and ‘scamming’ concerning the
procurement of print, especially large election print run,
leaflets and regular publications including Identity magazine.
2) The leaking onto the internet of sensitive party information.
3) The ongoing, co-ordinated and sustained hate campaign,
feeding lies to certain anti-BNP blog sites.
More recently, its focus has moved on to the catalogue of recurring and seemingly inexplicable ‘gaffes’ being made at various stages in our preparations for the general election by
certain individuals within the party.
As a result of this investigation, a very serious matter has been uncovered.
Earlier this week, the police were made aware of very serious allegations potentially affecting the personal safety of Party chairman Nick Griffin MEP and senior management/fundraising
consultant James Dowson. Formal statements have now been made to the police, including by Mr. Griffin.
We therefore concluded that it was necessary to act on this immediately to ensure the safety of those at risk. Thus the timing of this affair was, from the very beginning, out of our hands.
The entire matter is therefore now in the hands of the police. We are unable to provide any further details in order not to prejudice any resulting legal proceedings.
Since political, as opposed to allegedly criminal, conspiracies are not illegal, we are able to say that Mark Collett was conspiring with a small clique of other party officials to launch a ‘palace coup’ against our twice democratically elected party leader, Nick Griffin, and that in order to create the artificial climate of disillusionment necessary for this to stand any chance of success, lies and unfounded rumours have been spread, and wereplanned to be spread much further. Mr. Collett has therefore been relieved of all positions within the Party with immediate effect.
All General Election leaflets already with the printers will be unaffected. Alternative measures are already being put into place to ensure that late submissions and local election addresses will
be produced. Contact details for this and related operations will be issued shortly.
There is also extensive circumstantial evidence that those involved have been working to sabotage our forthcoming local and national election campaigns. More specific examples and details
of such underhand efforts will be presented to an emergency meeting of the Advisory Council and key officials from all over the country, which will take place in the Midlands on Monday 5th
All in all, we believe we have uncovered the most serious and dangerous threat to this Party and its officers that we have ever witnessed.
We understand that all the evidence and exhibits are now in the hands of the police who are investigating several serious allegations uncovered by our security operation.
Obviously the safety of those named as the intended victims in this alleged plot and the safety of their families are paramount to this party and the police at present. As a precaution and until the police advise us of the ongoing status of the alleged plot, extra security has been provided to several key party officials and aides.
The timing of this couldn’t be worse but we believe that thanks to the diligent and swift actions of our security apparatus we have prevented a most grievous attack on key individuals and
rescued our election campaign from a concerted effort to derail it.
No doubt the media will try to exploit this, but the timing was of course not of our choosing, and we trust that, whatever ‘spin’ our opponents try to put on all this, the public will see that we have employed the proper legal channels and procedures to deal with what many will perceive as just another underhand and deeply shady attack on our Party and the right of the public to an effective democratic choice at election time.
Hide the following 8 comments
Posh anti-fascism
31.03.2010 23:21
Pinch of salt.
Less hysteria more thought
31.03.2010 23:33
Shit Outed my M15 cover blown then?
01.04.2010 03:29
According to a number of posts on these forums, Collett is embroiled in allegations of corruption, sabotage and possible involvement in a plot 'potentially affecting the personal safety of Party chairman Nick Griffin MEP and senior management/fundraising consultant James Dowson'.
Whether any of this is true is doubtful - particularly when you glance at the date - but we hope so. It seems more likely to be the work of one of the many disgruntled and disenfranchised former BNP members who see Collett as a liability to the party and an all-round arrogant pain in the arse...
More here:
e by gum
01.04.2010 10:53
- beware political chancers bearing info.
The grass is always greener
yea right
02.04.2010 21:08
Barnsley Bill.. Care in the Community has failed you..
03.04.2010 12:09
Your former mates White, Whatmough et al in Pudsey having the tables turned on them by antifa.
Oh can you ask them to update Red Watch some info out of date..
The BNP are fooked...
BNP dead Yea right
03.04.2010 13:01
And typical the links for antifa dont make me laugh all i've seen them do is run like fook everytime they are confronted- middle class wankers.
Ho and I dont have anything to do with red watch or nonce watch I've better things to do.
And as for the BNP are dead wait till June :) hahaha.
I'm suppriesed CAFF hasn't come on again saying Barnsley BNP and SB in bed together and trying to diss a hunt sab.
The Lefties – A Warning from History
03.04.2010 14:37
BNP supporters often gloat about what they see as the historical “failure” of left-wing politics in post-war Britain, while, on the other hand, constantly complaining about the huge successes that the liberal left has had in influencing public policy on issues of equality, anti-racism and human rights, in influencing the media and popular culture, and in creating what the right-wing try to misrepresent as “political correctness”. In contrast to the successes of liberal leftism, the radical and militant left have been in overall decline since the 1960s, marginalised by mainstream society absorbing the best ideas produced by their ideological experiments, ham-strung by dogmatic beliefs, and defeated in major industrial disputes.
In comparison, since the collapse of the NF in 1979, the racist movement slowly learned from its mistakes, and Nick Griffin used the BNP to re-build British Fascism around the pretense of a more moderate image, with the failure of the militant left creating a vacuum which the BNP now try to exploit. Because militant left dogma insists that the glorious workers must be above criticism, and that therefore Fascism MUST be “middle-class”, left-wing and anarchist militants often refuse to acknowledge facts which everyone else knows full well – namely the strong middle-class influence in left-wing movements, and the strongly working-class nature of most support for the BNP. Since a temporary peak in radical activism in the early 1980s, instead of learning from their mistakes like the BNP did, some militant left groups purged their middle-class supporters, successfully alienating millions of potential sympathisers and reducing themselves to the pathetic state they find themselves in now.
Anti-Fascists all talk the talk when it comes to being “united” against the BNP, but not all Anti-Fascists walk the walk. Some militant Anti-Fascists seem to spend nearly as much time insulting other Anti-Fascists as they spend attacking the BNP, and dissipate their energy in Anti-Fascist turf-wars which the BNP covertly encourage. There is no doubt that working people should take control of their own lives, and that militant Anti-Fascists are often very brave and noble people, but left-wing opportunists dividing Anti-Fascism with “class struggle” rhetoric totally misunderstands the aspirations of white working-class and migrant communities, alienates moderates, is disastrous for Anti-BNP campaigning, and is music to the ears of the BNP.
Dear Banrnsley-Bill we might have more in common than you think: