This is a form of collective punishment which ultimately – and typically – will disproportionately effect the poor, but then when have the likes of Peter Mandelson and his liberty hating – bank loving – government ever given a shit about the poor?
The Digital Economy Bill (DEB) is currently working its way through the House of Lords. It is a legislative response to the the Digital Britain report, which was published on 16 June 2009. Intended to support and protect the development of the country's digital economy, some of the proposed measures have far-reaching consequences for individuals, businesses, public services and government process.
At this Digital Economy Unconference & Workshops, you can find out more about how and why this legislation will affect you, your business or household, and what you can do to make your voice heard.
== Event Overview ==
Tickets are available above for any of the following parts of the event. We encourage you to attend one of the workshops even if you can't make it to the unconference.
1:30pm - 5:30pm: Digital Economy Unconference
5:30pm - 7:00pm: Talk to your MP: Workshop 1 *
7:00pm - 8:30pm: Talk to your MP: Workshop 2 *
* Workshop places are limited, so booking is essential.
== Digital Economy Bill Unconference (1330 - 1730) ==
- learn the facts and background about the DEB
- explore how the bill affects you and the issues you care about
- discuss the issues with people who understand it and can explain it clearly
- make an informed choice about whether you support the DEB
- discover how to make sure your opinion is heard in Westminster
== Talk to your MP Workshops (1730 - 1900, 1900 - 2030) ==
Talking to your MP is the most effective way to make sure Parliament knows how unpopular and bad disconnection without trial really would be. In these short sessions, you can try out talking to your MP or watch someone else having a go, and learn how to get your points across in a way that an MP will understand.
- Gain the confidence to talk and write to your MP
- Rehearse talking to your MP one on one
- Find out what MPs will ask you
- Learn how to write to your MP and get a response
- Meet other people campaigning against disconnection without trial in the Digital Economy Bill
More information about the event and issues will be posted at

The Open Rights Group also report on the impact and progress of the Digital Economy Bill at their website.
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Police State
22.01.2010 10:29
what virgin are failing to tell people is that EVERY password, user-name, viop conversation, email, every single mouse click or keyboard stroke will now be monitored all using the fear of piracy.
they state that they are only using this for monitoring p2p packets but can we really trst them not to take a peek at the rest of the info?
BTW p2p packets include, iplayer, 4od, sky catchup that all use a kontiki p2p service. skype, you really have to wonder why all ISP's are targeting p2p packets and throttle them to death with free telephony services like skype, i guess they cant compete with free & its better just to cut it off.
And what about spotify, virgin are going to be looking for p2p music packets how can they separate legal services from the illegal ones exactly to produce correct data?
people on the virgin forums are rightly worried about this privacy invasion, especially after phorm the BT spying tool was deemed to be a breach of peoples privacy by the EU, unfortunately the UK police failed to press charges against BT for spying on its customers & our government are dragging their feet regarding the pressure from the EU.
sign the petition
26.01.2010 20:02