They were the dispossed reclaiming what was theirs!
They were the dispossed reclaiming what was theirs!
They were the dispossed reclaiming what was theirs!
All are welcome to come and help, have a cup of tea and a bun and drop in any ideas suggestions for the public meeting to Reclaim The Earth Centre as a communty space and environment centre on tues 15th at Denaby & Cadeby Miners Welfare Club (7pm)
This is a warm up and welcome event leading up to the public meeting to Reclaim The Earth Centre The meeting has been organised by the people for the people in response to the misuse of public funds and neglectful way that the council and the millenium commission handled the earth centre and its many resources. We will reclaim the land and our rights to decide our own futures!
Friday the 27th Nov - Doncaster climate hearing, more like Doncaster Green Wash! This event was organised by Oxfam, (THOSE WHO BROUGHT YOU THE WAVE) some very good people attended and its fantastic that local people are addressing issues that we all face and talking about ways to be sustainable, unfortunatley there was 'a wave' of insincerity from a few but this doesn't matter working together does!
We love The Earth Centre campaigners went along to pose the question to our MP for Climate Change and Energy -The Scum Bag Miliband.
Why has a multi-million pound sustainable living education centre been left to rot for five years?
Watch The Scum Bag Miliband:

From Mr Miliband's response it seemed strange that he showed very little knowledge of the Earth Centre, curious since we've contacted his offices and his colleague, Denaby MP Caroline Flint, neither has responded. Considering Milband's job title you would think that he would have recognised the significance and true potential of this amazing resource and beautiful space. Also you would think that he would be aware that the MOD are looking to aquire a sustainable living education centre in his area, however he is from Oxford!! (meanwhile New Labour talk of class war (sic)
Local community projects in Denaby struggle to access funding because the Earth Centre swallowed up the quota in the area and this still has reprecusions five years on. Resources were mysteriously flying out of the Earth Centre in the end and we would like to know where they went too as millions were spent on them.
We say reopen the Earth Centre and allow the community to benefit from its resources rather than having to watch the Police and MOD training with guns and dogs and wargame enthusiasts running about with pretend machine guns and smoke screens.
Ed Miliband is at the doomed Copenhagen Climate Conference this is only just beginning those involved are:

Is not time you was? contact us direct 07794 77 20 83 if you can not make it Sunday make it to The Meeting phone for time people are going from Sheffield
The Land is yours!