awareness of the need for a fair and effective climate deal to be made
at the upcoming UN talks in Copenhagen.
will be uniting and organising events to demand that leaders of the
world's heaviest polluters make pledges to cut carbon emissions and
help poorer countries with the cost of adapting to changes in the
As part of this international day of action, The Sheffield Vigil
For Climate Justice will be taking place outside Nick Clegg MP’s
Sheffield office at 5pm on December 11th. The residents will then
embark on a candlelit walk up to Bole Hill park in Crookes, where they
are planning to release Chinese lanterns to display their support for
citizens of the countries that will be affected by climate change.
"According to recent research by Oxfam, the worlds poorest and most
vulnerable people are already facing the serious consequences of
climate change such as failed crops and extreme weather. This vigil is
in solidarity with the people who have done the least to cause climate
change but are suffering the most because of it," said event
coordinator Sarah Twigg.
"I hope that as many people as possible join us in demanding a
climate deal that is not only effective but fair. The current proposed
targets do not go far enough and are based on false solutions such as
carbon trading and offsetting that only delay meaningful action," she
Climate campaigner James Rowett said, ""Climate change is an
immediate issue that requires an immediate global response. The planet
does not have the luxury of stalling time until we find an economically
viable response to the issue, so it is essential that we unite and take
action now to convey to world leaders the need to reach a proactive UN
agreement in Copenhagen."
"We can all do our bit, by recycling or making responsible
choices, but what is really required is ordinary people demanding
political action. It is this approach that won civil rights in the US
or female suffrage in this county," he added.
The vigil is part of international day of action. Scientists have shown that in order to avoid catastrophic climate disaster, we need to reduce the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere to 350 parts per
million. The current concentration is 390ppm and campaigners argue that
immediate action is required.
It is expected that local campaign groups will take part in the vigil.
1. On 24 October, people at over 5200 events in 181 countries came together for the most widespread day of environmental action in the planet's history as part of the campaign.

2. Please include the link to the event page

3. The event is being organised as part of
a weekend of climate action organised by in association TckTckTck.

4. For more information email