Monday 7th December at 7pm
at Victoria Methodist Church, Stafford Road, S2 2SE
Sheffield Royal Society for the Blind.
Sheffield Pensioners’ Action Group.
Central Community Assembly.
All Sheffield MP’s.
Huddersfield, Penistone Sheffield Rail Users Association.
The Equality Rights Project.
The Civic Trust.
Transport 4 All.
Friends of Sheaf Valley Park.
Urban Splash,
Sheffield College.
Howells Solicitors.
Grace Owen Nursery.
Sheffield Conservation Advisory Group.
Sheffield Friends of the Earth.
The reasons for the objections are many and varied and I believe provide an outstanding case for the rejection of this scheme. You can view the RASC objection at

The next big event will be the Planning Board. We don’t yet have a date for this, but will be informing you as soon as we hear. It is likely to be on a Monday at 2pm. On that day we will meet outside the Town Hall at 1.15pm, with banners and lobby the Councillors as they go in. We hope lots of you will be able to join us. We also hope that a large number of people will come inside and listen to the debate and support the people who will be making our case.
The next Residents Against Station Closure meeting is on
Monday 7th December at 7pm
at Victoria Methodist Church, Stafford Road, S2 2SE.