Two Sides, One Story - Omar Deghayes, Moazzam Begg and Christopher Arendt - mp3 46M
Two Sides, One Story - Questions and Answers - mp3 28M
Two Sides, One Story - Cageprisoners National Tour

The first night of the tour was also recorded at which Jaralla Al-Marri (former
Guantanamo prisoner) also spoke:
Audio - Two Sides, One Story - Cageprisoners National Tour - LONDON

See also the Guantanamo Voices a blog tracking the tour:
Guantanamo Voices

For more information see:

The National Guantánamo Coalition

The Campaign against Criminalising Communities


Andy Worthington

Previous, related, meetings for which there are also MP3's available include:
The Rendition Monolgues

Moazzam Begg and Andy Worthington on Human Rights in The War on Terror

Can Human Rights Survive the "War on Terror"?

Guantánamo Bay: The Case of Omar Deghayes

Craig Murray: Legality, Morality and the War on Terror

Reports of protests in Sheffield:
Sheffield 11th June Guantánamo Protest

Sheffield Guantanamo Protest 11th October

Sheffield Guantanamo Protest 11th September

Related Sheffield Indymedia feature articles:
Binyam Mohamed — the last UK resident in Guantánamo Bay — threatened with death penalty

See also the Sheffield Indymedia "War on Terror" archive:
Sheffield Indymedia: Terror War

Sheffield Indymedia: Terror War Newswire Archive

And the UK Indymedia "War on Terror" archive:
UK Indymedia: Terror War

UK Indymedia: Terror War Newswire Archive

Audio recording and production by ZKT,