Each person is going to pay £16,000 per year for the bail out of the banks, the figure world wide 2000000000000 yes that is 2 trillion, the price we have paid in the UK could pay to keep all planned closures of post office open for 300 years, it's 3 times the income of a person on social security benefits.
Again the working class pay to bail out the Middle Class, it is estimated by December 2008 there will be 2 million on benefits, as we go into another global recession those in poverty will increase, I have been through recessions, been there in the 1970s and was stood on the picket lines 25 years ago with the miners.
Been at the front line of the 1970s and 1980s, there is nothing to celebrate here, if only this was 1929 and the bankers were jumping out of windows, there has been some signs of resistance, we need to increase the pressure, it is not utopian to say we need to organise more reclaim the city actions as happened in the 1980s, also June 18th 1999.
This time we need to take the anger further than slogans of burn the rich, perhaps this time we do need to burn them, if only the riots of Toxteth had happened six months before during the strike of 1984, just think would there have been enough police to deal with this?
Could it had been the army on the streets? What if? Of course a big question, but if we organise, riots of course are organic but there is no reason they could not happen, would there be enough police and army if every city went up?
We remember the glorious poll tax riot, and the 18 million that refused to pay, we are not dreamers when we say it could be possible for a TAX STRIKE, or those who are being asked 16,000 a year to bail out the bankers, this not our crisis so why should we pay?
underclassrising have been lurking in the dark corners of this urbanparanoia, the moment is ours brothers and sisters, we are not seeking the reform of capitalism, but its abolition. Capitalism is anarchy, we desire anarchism. Are we prepared to take now or stay the same, is what we need to be asking?
Instead some of us propose an action even a few people can pull off - CLAP A BANKER DAY - where we applaud and cheer individual or groups of bankers for their selfless hard work as they go about the city complete with hunting horns and clappers. Any takers?
Hide the following 6 comments
16.10.2008 11:46
> during the strike of 1984, just think would there have been
> enough police to deal with this?
Toxteth was 1981, the rest of your post is equally ignorant of the past, irrelevant to the future.
riot re-enactment society
this time we do need a smart nvda, but definetely not what you perhaps propose
16.10.2008 11:57
PS the poll tax was great, but it didnt end Thatcher
Spacehijacker velvet revolutions with some red, green & black are the way forward.
Lets not get underclass in even more shit
maybe but underclassing is right
16.10.2008 13:24
i'm your daddy now, you're owned
16.10.2008 17:46
i was disappointed when i first heard
but now, as a tax payer, i better consider
keeping tracks on the ins and outs
£ 500 billion = £ 500,000,000,000 [1]
and there is roughly 30 million folk working in the UK [2]
so my share = £ 500,000,000,000 / 30,000,000
crossing through the zeros, my share = £ 50,000 / 3
= £ 16,666.66 recurring
well it was worth that much last week
and this is still what it's going to cost me apparently
but it's not worth that this week
am already sitting on losses of a share of £ 2 billion
but then again i should consider the futures
by christmas, if i can stay in work
i'll have a bigger share
cos i'll be one of 29,750,000 remaining [3]
so my share at chrimbols = £ 498,000,000,000 / 29,750,000
crossing through the zeros, my share = £ 49,800,000 / 2,975
= £ 16,739.50
blimey, the joy of mathematics, i'd be up by over 70 squid
even if the gobment pisses away two bill
on hbos, llyods etc, etc, etc
that should buy me some pop and comics ...
but then perhaps i've been thinking about this all wrong
i mean, do i really own anything here
don't get me wrong
i know i'm expected to pay for it
whether i own it or not really
but if i don't own it really
can i own it surreally at least
i mean, consider hbos --
hbos you're no bodies boss anymore
i'm your daddy now, you're owned
and llyods, same deal
but with you i fancy a l'little rebranding
from this point forth
you shall have a stutter
and be called l'lyods
for short, if not for long
-- iv
i'm your daddy now, you're owned
Eat the Rich do it now
16.10.2008 19:41
Divisions will always occur but it is really negative that they do, particularly now - when the whole fictional, financial, capitalistic world is begging, borrowing and stealing off the poor!......Doh.!
That is what THEY always DO and have done...and STILL they get away with it.
Someone, somewhere....out there...has to have anarchistic or political or just good old angry fucking common sense to say ...Oi. Capitalists and capitalist apologists....NO!
Eat the Rich...Do it NOW...
Noah finnity
all fraudulent
16.10.2008 23:45