Having said that though, we will debunk here and now, one particularly pernicious rumour that is currently circulating; the one that states that whilst explosives may have been responsible for crumbling the towers' concrete skins, explosives could not have possible taken out the towers' numorous internal fixtures and fittings ...
To this WE say:
# i. the english heritage (listing) adviser's report, dated 10 march 2008 clearly states that:
# "All bar one pipe in one of the towers has been stripped out from the cooling towers" [1]
# We have no problem with believing this -- we think jacqui spliff is on to something when she suggests that poverty may lead to larceny ... and given what thatcher and macgregor did to this area, we find it very difficult to believe that even one pipe was left, unless of course, it was made of plastic
# ii. Even if the internal structure of the towers' had been composed of 47 steel box columns and designed to withstand all kinds of loads, bends and sheers, then it still doesn't matter does it, one can design blasting patterns, with staggered detonation, to cut and burn and collapse all the internals out of the way [cf 2] ...
In conclusion, we will try our uppermost to keep an open mind as to how and why the towers were dropped, but we will take no truck from any idiologue no matter what political persuasion or inside leg measurement, and shall submit my final report to the powers that be within seven years of the date of the incident in question...
PS Non News Agreed..
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Twin Towers Mystery deepens
03.09.2008 21:45
These two towers were clearly hijacked by at least 19 republicats or democrans on behalf of
AL Obama Mccain.....................................................and anybody who says it was anything other
than treason is a big, fat, yellow goose.
Mad Steve