the question was simple enough- should the last remaining Nazis be hunted?
I am unsure if this is a question of money or morality- but if they are
still alive and bought into the regime of Hitler (cf Germania illustration)
then why not?- you do not buy Utopian Ideal with the blood of a people.
Never Forget what they did..
what is necessary for people is that an attempt is made by those governments
who shelter and pension them to give the respect to the victims by
putting them on the stand so that we can hear what they say about
loyalty to Hitlerian policy of genocide.
One of the reasons why modernism always commemorates the Holocaust
is to prevent the recurrence of that power- the power of mob rule, of thieving,
experimentation and suffering based solely and wholly in Hatred and insanity.
I believe,( and I have scanned the comments) that there is a vast difference
between Bush and Hitler- people are saying that we are again in a genocidal era..
We are in an era of resource War and Cultural Appeasement. But George Dubya
Bush is not Hitler- he is a mouthpiece for corporate militarism that will
be brought down- he is the frontman for a machine and quite possibly
'touched'. The appeasements by EU governments of the US breaches
of UN and international law will also be questioned. But in essence mostly
people resist at some level the toxicity of media manipulation of his
lameduck effort at Domination.
Hitler was different and his minions and lackeys are sheltered.
I think they should be brought to Justice.
The images accompanying the article are of the men outstanding who
are still wanted.
Germania- a white race Utopia based in a lunatic's policy that we should never
let happen again. There is no Utopia nor is there a superior race, there is only the
vested interests of those who wish to control bodies and resources for their
own advantage.
Never Forget!
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the man beneath the Nazis is a Schindler rescuee (photograph)
01.05.2008 18:58
he is interviewed regarding -Fear- and Nazism. Many diaspora Jews spent lifetimes
trying to understand and forgive holocaust horror- the man in the White house
with his 'roadmap' has set back middle east peace by generations.
Please read the records of the Holocaust and survivors, the art of the Diaspora
it's important to use knowledge against totalitarianism- and to use memory
to fight oppression of individual rights.
01.05.2008 19:09
murder and theft.
to never forget requires to ever remember
01.05.2008 19:24
For no other reason than supposed ethnicity, supposed racial identity, supposed inferiority, supposed political belief, supposed et-cetera.
They were mainly "jewish", though some were communists or anarchists or socialists or gay or mentally handicapped first and jewish later. There were few unsung who were merely Jehovah's witnesses or members of the plethora of francomasonic lodges.
So - Today as ten of thousands march in Germany to opposed the neo-Nazi NPD,1518,550964,00.html
& as last night the Walpurgisnacht fires in Berlin ought only remind us of the book burning in Pretizen 2006 when Anne Frank's diary was cast in the holiday fire, a case which has yet not been prosecuted.
We need to remember more than ever.
& never let anyone steal the memory.
concerning Aribert Heim (the first "most wanted" on the photo list above)
01.05.2008 19:35
He was traced to Valencia Spain in 2007. There were only 4 nonogerians in the Spanish province which is widely acknowledged as the focal point of emergent neo-nazi & KKK co-ordinated activity in Europe. A web which has seen Irving & Dukes play the "freedom of hate speech" card to great success, in the case of Irving at the Oxford Union last year & University College Cork (complete with a television guest interview on the Irish flag ship chatshow)
We may not google for the six carriages of research data derived from experimentation on prisoners in either the Nazi camps or the Soviet gulags. We may only presume by careful consideration of the emergence of pharmaceutical advances and the direction of experimentation in the British ( up to at least the stage but not including coherced volunteers of Dr Malcolm Stroud, who curiously used himself as guinea pig), French & US armed forces - what was learnt by the doctors of death headed by Mengele whose chief remaining presumed to be alive chort is Heim.
If you find him, let him know we will eat his heart & soul .:.
descendent of a family tree reduced to a twig
The only time to stop hunting Nazis
02.05.2008 15:18