Setting off from the West End
Marchers included asylum seekers from Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Cote d'Ivoire, Malawi, Kurdistan and elsewhere. Several people who, with the help of TCAR, have successfully fought the government's attempts to deport them came to show their support for those still confronting the racist British government's asylum and immigration policies, including Joy Bowman, whose campaign against her deportation to Jamaica received national publicity, and Kurdish asylum seeker Guler Akdogan, who learned in December that her long fight against the deportation of her family to Turkey had been successful.
The demo stopped outside the Government Offices North East where speakers from TCAR and the UDPS opposition party from DRC spoke about the mistreatment of asylum seekers and immigrants in Britain. People whose only 'crime' is to flee oppression or poverty are criminalised, detained and deported. Those who are waiting the outcome of decisions on their cases are banned from working, which means they are further criminalised if they then do work illegally, while ironically becoming the butt of media abuse for not working and 'scrounging off the state'.
Speakers at the end rally at Grey's Monument included TCAR, Newcastle Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism!/Revolutionary Communist Group, North West Asylum Seekers' Defence Group, South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group, Support the Harmondsworth 4 Campaign, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Tyneside Stop the War, the University and College Lecturers' Union, Tyneside Socialist Forum and International Federation of Iraqi Refugees. MC Drop Dead Fred performed some political raps for fellow protesters. Many more people spoke and there was always a long queue of people waiting to use the open mic.
The demo was also attended by contingents from Durham, Carlisle, Doncaster, Sheffield, Manchester, Middlesborough, Glasgow and Leeds and by members and supporters of No Borders, Antifa, Amnesty International and the Socialist Workers Party. At a time when political campaigners across the country are facing police harassment and restrictions on their right to protest, it was great to see the Monument covered in banners and surrounded by protesters.
The police originally tried to impose restrictions on the date and route of the march but they backed down. In the end the police imposed conditions that were identical to the agreed route. This meant the march had to stick to agreed times for setting off and dispersing, so although it was a victory for TCAR, the right to protest was still restricted. In addition, two arrests were made on the demonstration. The two activists arrested had previously been dragged out of the march on the route. The police liasion intervened and other demonstrators refused to 'just move on' as ordered by the police. Later the two activists were approached again and asked for their details. The officer referred to chants they had been singing. They refused their details. Witnesses heard the arresting officer say that she didn't intend to report the activists, she just wanted their names 'for intelligence purposes'. When they continued to refuse to give their details the activists were arrested. The police liaison organised a phone-in of the police station. The activists were released later in the day.
Get involved in TCAR!
For anyone that wants to get involved in TCAR, the email is

Racism...Divides us!
Home Office...Divides us!
Right to Work!...Divides us!
Unite and fight! Unite and fight! Unite and fight today!
Hide the following 3 comments
Info required
22.01.2008 13:32
i was one of the two that was arrested. i was given an £80 fine but my friend is being made to appear in court. in the statement made against him hes been grossly misquoted, if anyone can provide photos or statements to help him out please get in touch
thanks to everyone who rang the police station aswell
Demo's like this can help to provide a vital alternative voice
23.01.2008 16:52
Working class English people and many working class asylum seekers, refugees and economic migrants have the same needs; decent schools for their children, clean hospitals, affordable housing and at the very least an above minimum wage income which could help to provide the possibility of some sort of comfortable, healthy life style. Yet with these lies and myths constantly perpetuated by racist gutter snipe middle class journalism at the behest of the politicians they support a division can be created between working class people in England and the working class internationally - which is precisely what the ruling classes want; they do not want a politically aware and unified working class opposition to their thievery, profiteering and plunderous looting of the very countries from which many asylum seekers are attempting to escape.
Unfortunately, the democratic rights of some supporters of TCAR who try to alert the public to British involvement in this theft abroad and racism at home have come under attack in recent months, providing added reason as to why it was important that a strong show of solidarity was in evidence on Saturday. Sadly, we were witness yet again to sinister attempts by the police at “intelligence gathering” and unfortunately two protesters were arrested by the racists and anti-working class police. Therefore, demonstrations such as the one held by TCAR and supported by various groups on Saturday 19th January 2008 are also vitally important for the building of cross community links and information sharing. Demo’s with a broad level of participation such as the one held by TCAR can also help to combat sectarianism and the sort of isolationism that sees individuals scoffing at the efforts of others.
There are those who would like to silence an alternative, independent non corporate economic analytical alternative. Some would even do so not out of racist motivation but because they simply see working class English people and particularly working class asylum seekers as harmless objects of pity that are too stupid to understand an economic class based analysis. What ever the form of censorship, where ever the attack on free speech comes from – it must be opposed. Independent activists such as those who work extremely hard administering on an accountable level within groups like the Tyneside Community Action for Refugees (TCAR) are not charities and need the financial as well as political support of the public. At TCAR meetings, leaflets advertising events such as film showings and fund raising gigs are often on display along with news papers; particularly Fight Racism! Fight Imperialism! which has a complete back page dedicated to informing and updating on the daily struggles of asylum seekers as well as those asylum seekers being held in prisons and detention centres throughout Britain with every one of its bi-monthly publications – this kind of democracy (particularly in a Capitalist society) and the publicising and information sharing it encourages needs funding in order to print and distribute. Most literature is often not free to publish, therefore cannot often be given away free; money raised can also help to pay for public transport costs, the hiring of meeting venues and the purchasing of materials for banners and information stalls.
Those who would oppose an economic class based analysis with skulduggery and obscurantist zoo noises in an attempt at stifling free speech with covert censorship can come in my many political shades – they must be opposed where ever who ever and they are.
Citizen Sputnik
End police harassment!
23.01.2008 22:52
Together we are stronger! They know it and that's why they try to isolate us.
Have you heard about the campaign for democratic rights because of the harassment groups have been getting at the Monument. There will be a meeting coming up on Tuesday 29th to try and take the campaign forward.