Exercises & Games around climate change & environmental justice developed touring over four months and 40 cities in the North America (many inspired by Trapese)
7:30 - Vegan Food for donations
8pm - 9ish Photo Stories of grassroots & indigenous resistance
* Blockading coal ships and coal infrastructure at the largest coal port in the world in Australia.
* Local resistance to the devastation of 'Mountain Top Removal' coal mining in Appalachia, USA
* The Navajo resisting relocation for coal mining in Arizona, USA.
* Land occupations in the remote threatened alpine wetlands of New Zealand under threat of open cast mining & supporting rail blockades and lock-downs.
* Plus.. Nukes not an solution.. the parallels of coal with
Uranium mining on aboriginal lands in the Australian red centre

And check out:

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Peak Coal and the Fischer-Tropsch process
08.01.2008 11:09
It appears that we are looking at 2025-ish for global peak coal (peak oil appears to have happened already or is imminent) -- check out this excellent roundup of the coal situation by Chris Vernon:
For a good overview of the current situation see Nafeez Ahmed's talk and series of articles:
The Hidden Holocaust - Our Civilizational Crisis
16.01.2008 17:29
coal / fossils in poland
28.03.2008 15:51
He said something amazing about emissions from coal-mining.