floods (see:

Sharrow community School, access for the disabled proved to be a little
difficult, as did walking on the soaked ground. However this did not
spoil a very positive, well organized 10th Sharrow
One week on from The Sheffield Green Fair (see

Jillian Creasy and Bernard Little, organised the collection of
rubbish and in all probability left Mount Pleasant Park more clear
of rubbish than it was when the day started. When the day ended at 9.30pm
there were only 20 bags (about 3 or 4 wheelie bins worth) of general rubbish left.
The rest being recycled at Heeley City Farm (see

positive vibes coming from the music field, here people sat and ate
food from around the world while listening to tunes also from around
the world. A new super group emerged in the form of Boz from Hiem,
Jim from Baby Longlegs, John from G2 studios (the people who brought
you the Artic Monkeys) and Alan Deadman (the man behind Ju Ju club
and organiser of today's music).
Before them, we were treated to sea shanty's from The Barnacles. The music continued through the day and for us not a bad moment from any of the bands playing. Meanwhile
there was a graf-jam going on, it is a shame this event seems so cut off from the rest of the event. However to tunes of Melle Mel and The Furious Five (white lines don't do it) along with some vocal From Mc Nege and Constant Creation following their excellent set on The Main Stage, with some very fine break dancing, for a moment we were taken to downtown New York.
As the sound of a fine tune That's The Sound of the Beast started playing, the often over present Police (babylon) moved on from the arena and the jam continued. Up in the main field there was a young toddlers area, a Wrestling Ring along with the very fine Sheffield Live (see

Festival and far too many other stalls and events to remember, all took place during this fine summers day.
The Sharrow Festival is one of the better events in Sheffield, it is a truly multi cultural event and in the authoritarian times we live in due to so called War on Terror, (see

a celebration of a multi cultural society (where 100+ languages are spoken in sharrow alone) we have here in the UK.
More Images of The Day are at
pretentiousartist.com (