First, at 11am in the Octagon bar, we're having a bit of morning and an afternoon of insight into the intricacies and practicalities of non-violent direct action (NVDA) and quick consensus decision-making. If you've ever wondered what people do when they want to take meaningful action against things that they oppose, and the ins and outs of getting arrested for doing so, or how it is possible to quickly make groups decisions that everybody is in agreement on, then come along and be part of some collective and interactive education!
Then, from 8pm that evening is a Plane Stupid benefit gig at the lovely Red House (

Music will be brought to your ears by Just Potatoes, Acloustic Domination, Sarah Barker with further complementary Djs.
Admission to the workshop is free/donation. Food will be provided collectively, so if you want to come then bring some food to share and we can all enjoy a plentiful and varied lunch. To get into the gig in the evening will cost you just £1.50 suggested donation!