Guns and Butter radio show recorded on 7th March 2007: Interview with attorney and President of the US Center for Constitutional Rights, Michael Ratner. Michael Ratner has led the center in its aggressive legal fight against the post - 9/11 violations of civil liberties by the Bush administration.
Michael Ratner is at the forefront of the legal fight against the 'Global War on Terror', he considers that "this country is sinking into a police state".
Michael Ratner was part of a small group of lawyers that first took on representation of the Guantanamo detainees in January 2001, a case that went to the supreme court where a major victory was won in June 2004. Attack on lawyers; Military Commissions Act; designation of unlawful enemy combatant; torture; writ of habeas corpus; preventive detention; round-ups.
The Center for Constitutional Rights: Background information: More from Guns and Butter: