A must visit and a requisite to expose these lies and dissemblance
The West Yorkshire Truth Campaign is holding a talk given by William Rodriguez. The event will be held at the Carlisle Business Centre, 60 Carlisle Road, Bradford BD8 8BD on Wednesday 14th February 2007.
William Rodriguez, is a native of Puerto Rico, a citizen of the United States, and a resident of the State of New Jersey. On September 11, 2001, and for nineteen years previously, Rodriguez was employed as a maintenance worker at the World Trade Center (WTC) in New York City.
During the attacks on September 11, 2001 Rodriguez pulled fifteen people to safety and, as the only person with a master key on site he also bravely led fire-fighters up the stairwells of the North Tower, unlocking doors as they ascended, and thereby aided the successful evacuation of hundreds of those who survived. He was honoured at the White House five times for his heroic efforts.
Rodriguez looked forward to his appearance at a closed-door hearing of the 9/11 Commission. "Up to that moment, I was thinking that they were going to do the right thing." He states that he began changing his mind as he saw how the commission did its work, and also when the American media edited out his testimonies about hearing bombs in the buildings, whilst the Spanish media did report it unedited.
He has since become involved with the 9/11 Truth Movement and alleges governmental involvement and cover-up regarding the attacks. In October 2004, he and fellow campaigners filed a civil lawsuit directed against George W. Bush, Richard B. Cheney, Donald H. Rumsfeld and others using an act of law designed to fight organised crime and conspiracy.
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Wiiliam Rodriguez to an overfill
15.02.2007 02:06
Rodriguez was at his apex
Superb stuff
Bradford Telegraph and Argus article
Posts : 553 Posted 14/02/2007 11:32:12 PM
My brief response to today's article
As a supporter of The West Yorkshire Truth Campaign since its inception last July, I would like to take issue with comments made by political analyst Richard North (Twin Towers was a CIA put-up job,February 14th).
Firstly, that we have "unimpeachable camera evidence" of the aeroplane hitting the Pentagon. In fact, all we have so far are two set of five frames taken from the car park security camera of a blurry image of someting and perhaps a trail of smoke. No CCTV images from the cameras ringing the Pentagon, or from the nearby Sheriton Hotel which would have provided a clear shot have ever been released.
Nobody from the Truth movement would consider George W Bush to be "the organising genius" behind 9/11. He is clearly a frontman and puppet of far more powerful manipulators.
We don't claim the CIA was the sole perpetrator of the 9/11 operation. It was clearly a multiagency job involving a small coterie from intelligence, military, perhaps Norad, and their behind-the-
scene backers.
What actually happened to passengers is not within our remit of speculation. We are not the promoters of the "official conspiracy theory" after all.
Anyone wishing to participate in the Truth Campaign locally is welcome to get in touch via email at wy911@goowy.com or to join our forum which is linked from the West Yorkshire Truth website, www.wytruth.org.uk.
e-mail: wy911@goowy.com
Homepage: http://www.wytruth.org.uk