Shahid Malik.
Lockwood has decided this matter is all about freedom of speech and has decided to start a fighting fund to pay his legal team.
However he has enlisted the help of resident BNP "folk" band "Red Claire"
Red Claire consists of BNP councillors Colin Auty and Paul Cromie along with BNP candidate Frank Atack.
Red Claire played at this years BNP Red,White and Blue festival.
They are playing at the Park Public House in Batley,a pub that regularly holds BNP meetings and has even had Nick Griffin speak there.
This isn't the first time Lockwood and the Press have shown support for the BNP.
But this has been the most open and blatant.
Please register your polite protests with the Dewsbury Press.
Alternatively telephone them at 01924 439498
Please keep it polite please.
READERS and supporters continue to pour money into The Press's Freedom of Speech Fund and two more fundraising events are planned for the coming weeks.
A race night will be held at the Airedale Heifer in Mirfield on Saturday November 25 (8pm) and Irish band Red Claire will perform at another big night at The Park pub in Bradford Road, Batley, on Saturday December 2.
Tickets will go on sale this week for the Red Claire concert and are available from the pub, next to Batley Park, and from The Press offices in Oates Street, Dewsbury.
Tickets cost £6 each and include a buffet supper. The event starts at 7pm with the band, which includes Dewsbury East BNP councillor Colin Auty, going on stage at around 8pm.
Since the campaign was launched the coffers have been swelled by two events at the Old Colonial Club in Mirfield and another at the Moorend WMC in Dewsbury Moor.
Dewsbury, Mirfield and Heckmondwike Labour MP Shahid Malik has launched a libel action in the High Court in London against The Press newspaper and former Tory councillor Jonathan Scott over a letter by Mr Scott over what happened outside polling stations in Dewsbury at this year's local elections.
Martin Shaw, managing director at The Press, said the newspaper and Mr Scott were standing shoulder-to-shoulder and would defend the case all the way.
"We have had support from all sections of the community and we can't thank people enough for their backing," said Mr Shaw.
"They realise we are a newspaper which plays hard but fair and we give all sides an equal opportunity to air their views.
"The number of readers who are prepared to hand over their hard-earned money in support of freedom of speech is amazing and our solicitors, Fox Hayes, have taken statements from several major political figures who will give evidence on our behalf.
"We have hired top media barrister Jonathan Crystal and we are increasingly confident we will win the case."
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Hide the following 15 comments
20.11.2006 23:07
And Mirfield is, I suppose, the same Mirfield that's just expelled the BNP councillor Roger Roberts for not bothering to attend a meeting for over six months.
What a bunch of wasters.
Complain to the Press Complaints Commission. More info here:
Lancaster UAF
Tory backs the BNP
21.11.2006 19:51
Scott is the person who wrote the comments about Shahid Malik and The Press re-printed them. This is why they are both being sued by Malik.
Scott made some rather unsavoury comments about Malik's Asian supporters, reckoning they ruffed him up a bit. There is a very good chance though that he is really a racist.
His association with the BNP finalises that.
Tory boy
21.11.2006 20:28
decent politicans would nt be seen dead with the BNP ,yet this guy is openly having a fund raising event with them.
A fascist sympathiser if ever. What does this say about the rest of the Conservative party in his area?
Scum. They are BNP in more expensive suits an without the boots and tattoos.
Who are the fascists?
22.11.2006 03:58
The very essance of idiotic totalitarianism.
"ohhh we dont like what they have to say, they must not be allowed to speak!"
One day its going to snap back at you reds when all the people you have been denying free speech to turn around and use the same justification {they will stop others from having free speech, thus they do not deserve it} to shut you up as you do to them now.
And when that happens I will not shed a bloody tear.
No Platform
22.11.2006 09:09
The Tories have shown their true colours by association. What do Kirklees Asian Councillors think about members of their own party going behind their backs to organise an event with the BNP.
I urge all invoved in fighting fascism to politely ring the Kirklees Conservative HQ and push for the expulsion of racist Tory Jonathan Scott. Please keep it polite and sensible, we want to be taken seriously. Ring 01484 530084.
Altrernatively contact some of Kirklees Asian Councillors to express your concerns. Their numbers are available at the Kirklees council website.
This is important!
Tory Racist Should be Kicked Off
22.11.2006 12:33
It disgusts me that racists like this are entertained by the Tory Party.
Additional Evidence
22.11.2006 12:56
It is an email sent to all Kirklees Councillors from Nick Cass,Yorks area organiser for the BNP
As you can clearly see,the BNP are now promoting this event.
From: "Nick Cass"
Subject: Freedom Of Speech
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 11:40:22 +0000
Dear Councillor,
I know we have our political differences, but I believe we share one fundamental principle, a commitment to the freedom of speech. Beyond our political labels we are all seekers of truth, and surely we all agree with the sentiment so ably expressed by Thomas Jefferson, "There is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world."
So it is not as a political rival that I write to you, but as a fellow defender of the freedom of speech and of the right and responsibility to tell the truth. And with this in mind I invite you to a non-political event whose sole purpose is the defence of the freedom of speech and support for The Press newspaper and former councillor Jonathan Scott whose rights to freedom of speech are under attack by Dewsbury's MP Shahid Malik.
The Freedom of Speech Evening is taking place on 2nd of December at The Park public house on Bradford Road Batley next to Wilton Park. The evening will begin at 7pm, there will be speeches, raffles, entertainment from Irish band Red Claire, a free buffet, and tickets are £6 - all proceeds going to The Press Freedom Of Speech Fund.
Please try to support this event.
Many thanks for your attention,
Yours sincerely,
Nick Cass
More proof
22.11.2006 13:34
Why the Business Matters
22.11.2006 21:05
"Great White Records is an independent record label. It was established primarily as a patriotic record label with the aim of providing patriotic artists the ability to make the most of their talents. GWR intends to produce a huge collection of popular music intended for distribution to further the cause of spreading positive patriotism. The chief benefactors/recipients of money raised by GWR will be the British National Party (BNP) to help them further their political and cultural objectives."
"GWR seeks to encompass many forms of music, and intends to move into more mainstream ground by producing Brit-Pop, Pop-Rock, Dance, etc in an effort to put forward a popular theme to the campaign of increased freedom and British sovereignty which is the thrust of most British National Party campaigns. We are always on the lookout for new musicians/artists/bands/writers to sign to GWR and develop their talents in GWR Studio’s for the mutual benefit of the artist and the label."
"Great White Records is determined to create the musical revolution amongst our people, especially the young that will educate our people to the issues of concern, most namely the thinly-disguised genocide of the indigenous natives of the British Isles perpetrated by the policy of present government pushing mass immigration and multi-culturalism on the British native population."
(Great White Records Web Site Publicity Material)
Are Great White Records Facist or Racist or allied to the BNP? A cursory examination of the track listing of one of their biggest selling items reveals that, the label may simply be a conduit for distributing fascist propaganda, rather than a commercial enterprise.
Corporal Fox - David Hannam
Wild Rover - Colin & Frank
A Vision, Not a Dream - Lee Haggan
Free My Land - Lee Haggan
Don’t Say You’re English - Colin Auty
Our Homeland - Lee Haggan
Feckless Old Man - Julie Russell
Plow and Sow - Julie Russell
Towns Will Be Our Own - Lee Haggan
Jenny Roberts - Speech
Vavra Suk - Speech
Why the speeches - because, as the Great White Records website makes clear - this is about distributing political propaganda for a specific party. This clearly breeches the high standards in public office that entitles decent people to speak freely. With funds from dubious sources, the BNP have no need for free speech when they can sell it at Twelve Pounds a go.
Will the BNP and Great white Records be making over all profits from CD sales at the event to the Freedom of Speech Campaign? This is unlikely as Great White Records Limited is a commercial concern:
Registered No. 05653472
Private Limited with share capital
Incorporation Date: 14/12/2005
The label's managing director at Incorporation: David Hannam, former BNP branch organiser for Hull. The other director appointed at the time of the company's incorporation was Nicholas Cass. Since Mister Cass is on record as promoting this event, he should surely be applying for Licencing for the act Red Claire to ensure the highest standards of probity and avoid the accusations flung about by Antifascists who would deny Free Speech. Of more importance is the filing of accounts. Incorporated nearly a year ago so still not needing to show how badly they are performing.
Those patent marks and licences obtained by the Producers and distributers of Great White Records:
such as 2337480, 2337481, 2339803, 2339807, 2339845, are all matters of public record. What is not a matter of accessible record is that these are patent marks used to squash free speech. Unless you pay the Fascists you cannot use their logo. This kind of intellectual property thuggery does not come cheaply. Who is really paying for it and who are they paying for such intellectual property? Is the plan to simply dip into the Freedom of Speech fund to to support the lifestyle of these businessmen?
Why exactly should a business be run like a political party?
Another Accountant
Red Clare
22.11.2006 21:57
I Would just like to clarify a point in the story about the Red Claire gig.
The idea was to raise money for the Freedom of speeech defence fund
(something both the BNP and myself are passionate about)
We were thereby supporting the press & their position not the other way round as you suggested in your story.
Frank Atack
Frank Atack
Help not wanted
22.11.2006 22:39
Scott sent the following email to all councillors on Kirklees Council,however Nick Cass has decided the BNP are going to hijack the event even if they don't want their help.
Included is his reply,again sent to all councillors
"Jonathan Scott" 19/11/06 21:18 >>>
>From: "Cllr Khizar Iqbal"
>To: "Jonathan Scott"
>Subject: Fwd: Freedom Of Speech
>Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2006 17:01:40 +0000
>As discussed.
Khizar, Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention.
To all, please see below the following email which I have been informed has been sent to you all by Nick Cass, whom I am assuming is the Nick Cass of the British National Party.
Can I say on my behalf and on behalf of my co-defendants at the Press Newspaper that we have had nothing to do with this email. Mr Cass has not approached me or the Press to send this email on our behalf. This email is a unilateral action by Mr Cass. The email address he his using is again something Mr Cass has unilaterally done without,notification consultation or authority from myself or the Press Newspaper.
Our campaign and stance for freedom of speech against the legal action brought against myself and the press newspaper by Shahid Malik MP is a campaign launched, administered and fronted by myself, Danny Lockwood and Martin Shaw. In no shape or form does Mr Cass or any other member of any other political party have any direct connection to our campaign or have any authority to speak privately or publicly on our behalf and certainly has no authority to register email addresses and send out unsolicited emails to anyone on our behalf.
I hope I have made our position absolutely clear. I have had a number of calls expressing deep concern with the email Mr Cass has sent to you all. I apologise for any distress or confusion this may have caused - you have my catagoric assurance that Mr Cass is in no way involved in our campaign other than as a member of the public who supports the stance myself and the Press Newspaper have taken.
The event Mr Cass refers to is one of a number of events that members of the public have kindly agreed to stage on behalf of our campaign. Councillor Colin Auty approached us to seek our views on his band organising an event as I understand, Councillor Auty is a member of the band that has agreed to play at the fundraising event at no point in any discussion was it intimated that the event would be organised by the BNP. The fact is that Councillor Auty is an elected member of Kirklees Council whether that is universally accepted or liked is another matter, the fact is that he his and as such he his entitled to the respect that such a position holds. Both the Press Newspaper and I, are grateful to Councillor Auty and other members of Kirklees Council from all parties and to all the members of the public who support all political parties who have expressed support for our campaign.
Our campaign is not a political campaign and is not anti Labour,anti Shahid Malik or indeed anti BNP or anything else. It is a public campaign defending one of the fundamental principles of our democracy. I believe however well intentioned Mr Cass may have been with this email, he has through his email shown naivety beyond belief and extraordinary ill judgement and a great deal of inexperience. This attempt to politicise our campaign is totally unacceptable.
All of you have my word that I and my my co-defendants at the Press will speak to Councillor Auty and we will convey to Councillor Auty in the strongest possible way our deep concern at Mr Cass and his apparant endeavours to hijack our campaign for the potential political gain of the BNP.
This event will now NOT take place. We will have nothing to do with this event or Mr Cass.
I will email you all again once I have had the opportunity to speak to the Press and Councillor Auty.
On behalf of my co-defendants and myself, I apologise to you all.
Jonathan Scott
Subject: Response to Jonathon Scott
Date: Mon, 20 Nov 2006 17:55:47 +0000
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 20 Nov 2006 17:55:49.0164 (UTC) FILETIME=[1CA346C0:01C70CCD]
Dear Jonathon Scott,
It appears you’ve jumped to more than one wrong conclusion.
I stressed in my email (a copy of which I sent to The Press) that this was
to be an apolitical event. I have organised it in partnership with Colin
Auty, who has personally emailed you via Vivian Lees and spoken with The
Press on a number of occasions. Both of us are acting as members of the
public and not as political activists our stated concern is freedom of
speech, a principle that transcends political boundaries. Your logic is that
because members of the BNP are involved the event must therefore be
political. You are a supporter of the Conservative Party; if my involvement
is political why isn’t yours?
I have a good deal of experience in organising money making events. I felt
that I could put my skills to good use in defence of a principle that I
thought we all hold dear there was nothing more to it than that. As we
were welcomed to the last Freedom Of Speech evening at the Old Colonial, and
you were happy to accept our support and donations, I am miffed as to why
you no longer want it.
I need no permission to set up an email account and I can label it whatever
I will. In fact I set up that email account in an effort to advertise the
apolitical nature of the Freedom of Speech Evening.
On what authority do you presume to order that the “…event will now not
take place”?
Yours sincerely
Nick Cass
not free speech
22.11.2006 23:06
probly showing promoters could cause harm to children or be a public nuisance if they were to attend the red claire gig. they should be glad they are getting treeted to all this free advice.
passing by
BNP man 'hijacks' freedom event
24.11.2006 20:57
BNP man 'hijacks' freedom event
A FUNDRAISING event for The Press’s Freedom of Speech Fund has been cancelled after the BNP was accused of hijacking the event for political gain.
BNP councillor Colin Auty, who performs with Irish band Red Claire, had offered to put on a concert but BNP official Nick Cass seized the opportunity to fire off an e-mail to Kirklees councillors.
Mr Cass set up an email address "defendfreespeechfund" to give credibility to his statement - and sent a letter to councillors, which sparked an angry response.
Freedom of Speech Fund spokesman Jonathan Scott said he had issued an apology to Kirklees councillors and said: "This attempt to politicise our campaign is unacceptable.
"The Freedom of Speech Fund is strictly non-political and while politicians and councillors of all parties support the aims, the campaign cannot be used for political advantage.
"We have support from all parties and from members of the public but this is about the basic principle of free speech and to avoid any doubt or confusion we have disowned this event."
The concert was due to be held at The Park pub in Batley on December 2 and Coun Auty said it had been a genuine attempt on his part to help.
"There was nothing political with me," he said. "All I did was ask Nick (Cass) to run some tickets off."
The latest Freedom of Speech event, a race night, takes place at the Airedale Heifer pub in Mirfield tomorrow (Sat) from 7.30pm. Admission is free and all are welcome.
The fund was set up by public demand after Dewsbury, Mirfield and Heckmondwike Labour MP Shahid Malik launched a £100,000 legal action against The Press and former Tory councillor Mr Scott.
Malik brought the libel claim over comments made by Mr Scott in a letter and subsequent article over what happened outside polling stations in Dewsbury at May’s local elections.
Press managing director Martin Shaw said support for the campaign remained rock solid.
"The public remains right behind us and letters of support continue to arrive on a daily basis," he said.
"We are immensely grateful to those who have backed us so far and we want to assure everyone that this campaign is completely non-political and if politicians can’t put politics aside for the important issue of freedom of speech, which affects us all, then we would rather they stood back and did not become involved."
Letter from Nick Cass
03.12.2006 11:36
It’s a good job I’m not as sensitive as Shahid Malik is because your headline (Press 24/11/06) "BNP man ’hijacks’ Press freedom fund" could easily be taken as meaning I’ve ’nicked’ your collection tin.
But being the easy going chap that I am I’m happy to assume that what you really meant to say was that I’d attempted to take control of The Press Freedom Campaign.
Now what would have been the point in me wasting my effort in attempting to do something that I know I would not have been able to achieve?
Here’s what happened: Colin Auty offered to organise a concert on behalf of the Freedom of Speech Fund.
Both The Press and Jonathon Scott accepted Colin’s offer. Colin then asked me if I’d do the tickets and invites.
I emailed councillors and others whom I thought may be interested in attending and I invited them to the concert.
I stressed in my email that this was not a party political event and that its sole purpose was to raise money for the Freedom of Speech Fund. That was the extent of my involvement.
I don’t know what happened next, but my guess is that a number of councillors took exception to my email and communicated their displeasure to Jonathon Scott, who offered his apology (what exactly did he apologise for?)
Mr Scott implied that either by design or by accident I had ’politicised’ the Freedom of Speech Fund and he used this as his reason for disowning Colin Auty’s proposed concert.
This is a travesty.
There was nothing whatsoever in my email to suggest I was out to make a political point - my aim was to invite people to the event, not alienate them from it.
In fact I went out of my way to emphasise that the issue of freedom of speech transcends politics.
What bothered the councillors you can be sure was that a member of the British National Party was involved in the campaign.
And no doubt they expressed their shock horror that Mr Scott had accepted help from BNP people.
I didn’t politicise the Freedom Fund, but in being more concerned with the BNP’s involvement than they were with the freedom of speech the councillors certainly did - as did Jonathon Scott who collapsed like a wet paper bag in the face of the councillors’ self-righteous fury.
Should we now expect Mr Scott to return the donations he’s received from BNP members?
26.01.2007 12:03
It seems Danny believes he should be free to print anything he wants - but others can not print anything about him
Keith Webb