Good news, at last something is stirring nationally in relation to the very nasty and draconian Welfare Reform Bill: a new national coalition has been created: its a very important step, but imo, it will be interesting to see what support it gets from the left, liberals and the activist scene, etc.
The 'Coalition Against The Welfare Reform Bill' , a new national organisation comprising of many many different user led disability groups, has been launched to challenge the coming Welfare Reform Bill: a bill that will see disabled people lose benefits, housing benefit abolished, disabled people pushed into unsuitable work, and possibly forced to undertake certain medical treatments. It includes the British Council of Disabled People (BCODP) which represents some 80 groups run by disabled people in the UK which between them have a total membership of around 350,000 disabled people, UK Coalition of People living with HIV and AIDs, National Union of Journalists (Disabled Council Members), Spinal Injury Association, Disabled Peoples Action Network, People First, Trade Union Disabled Peoples Alliance,Sheffield Welfare Action Network and many many more.
Its first big event will be protesting at the Labour Party Conference on Monday 25th Sept.
The Coalition Against the Welfare Reform Bill
Stroll/Roll, Rally against the Welfare Reforms,
Manchester Labour Party Conference.
25th September 2006
Stroll/Roll: 3pm at Exchange Square, (opposite Arndale Centre) on Corporation St
Rally/Static Protest: 4 pm G-MEX centre on Lower Mosley St. (LP Conference
+ Fringe meeting: 8.00 pm
details: web site pending
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Blair's war on the poor - there is no welfare, only warfare on the poor
02.09.2006 19:01
Publicize cases of organised fraud which is what the DWP has been and show how local councils are engaged in illegal violations of people and by criminally withholding rebates.
Stop calling it welfare.
It is social warfare against those pushed into poverty
General protests will not stop Blair.
Counter every facet at every stage.
Street protests must be backed by campaigning court actions
Scrap ‘professional’ 'welfare law' practitioners.
they have let down society in big way.
Create precedent by overwhelming the court system with claims 'within the law'.
then involve the European court system.
paralyze the corrupt poverty-creating bureaucracy at every relevant stage.
That will slow them down and eventually deter them from violating any more of our rights