There will be action training,first aid & wilderness survival training & holiday atmosphere in Wales.
Below if information on local peace camp at nearest base supporting murder in Lebanon & a blockade of the foreign office on the 21st.
If enough people want to go to peace camp , I can get transport but theres alot on at the moment,

USAF Mildenhall has been used to refuel the planes from the US full of weapons heading to Israel.
(Camps will be or already are set up at RAF Brize Norton and Prestwick too.)
People are setting up a peace camp at USAF Mildenhall (Suffolk) in the next few days to keep an eye on what's going on and to meet and share ideas and
f anyone would like to help in anyway contact 07760161755
We will need all kinds of help, every little helps allot.
( please add to list before sending out if I have forgotten anything)
a.. People to join the camp, and help us set up
b.. Tent to have as an open space
c.. Legal observers
d.. Visits with food and water
e.. Visits with banners and music
f.. People who can run skill sharing workshops
g.. Anyone who has solar panels or small wind turbines to help run a laptop, charge mobiles
h.. Lap tops!
i.. Wood
j.. Moral support
k.. stuff for kids to do.
l.. Pots and pans
m.. candles etc
n.. Money
o.. People at home to send out press releases and help mobilise more people
p.. People to keep and eye on flight patterns etc
q.. plane spotters
r.. etc etc etc
Come for the day, the eve, 2 hours,2 days, 2 weeks or what ever you can manage and
help us keep the camp going!
In hope
Theatre of War

Blockade the Foreign Office - 21st August
Bernardine | 10.08.2006 00:47 | Lebanon War 2006 | Anti-militarism | London
When: August 21st
Where: Whitehall - Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Time: 8am
print ready flier to photocopy - application/pdf 2.6M
The Foreign and Commonwealth Office under the leadership of Margaret Beckett and Geoff Hoon, is complicit in the continuing destruction of the Middle East. From the bombing of Beirut to the bloodshed wrought in Iraq and Afghanistan their overt, or tacit, support has seen thousands die with more suffering the same fate everyday.
Whilst individual ministers and civil servants, such as Kim Howells, may make meek protestations against the violence, as a department it is central to the continuation of these brutal wars and the human suffering they bring.
Shutting the department down for the day will make it clear that we will not stand by passively whilst people are being massacred across the globe by our government.
“bring the war home”
Live performance from Palestine!
Balata refugee youth dance troupe
performing 8-9
Accommodation may be available:
