I hope that
" This is important read, save St George save England.
After many cities not wanting to offend other cultures by putting up Xmas lights.
.....After hearing that the Birmingham council changed its opinion and let a Muslim woman have her picture on her driver's license with her face covered.
.....After hearing of a Primary School in Birmingham where a boy was told that for PE they could wear Football League shirts (Aston Villa, Birmingham, West Brom etc) but NOT an England shirt as it could offend others! "
.... Has lots more of the same ..
"..If you aren't happy here then f#@* off! We didn't force you to come here.
You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted. Pretty easy really, when you think about it.
I figure if we all keep passing this to our friends (and enemies) it will also, sooner or later get back to the complainers, lets all try, please. .."
This sort of crap get regurgitated in the pubs and cafeterias of Sheffield. The next thing is Facists are using it recruit and get votes at elections
1015 voted BNP at the Shiregreen and Brightside Ward in Sheffield

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yip heard and see that everyday
05.07.2006 12:13
Silly arguments
05.07.2006 13:53
What really influences ordinary people?
05.07.2006 14:25
makes sweeping conclusions from unsupported anecdotal statements
A few weeks back, BBC Radio 4 was laying the ground for another round of Blair Police State laws, this time regarding the carrying of 'knives'. The excuse for the propaganda piece was another knife-related crime, at a moment when all the news organisations are under instruction to give maximum publicity to any significant example of this type of offence.
However...unusually, the BBC pointed out that there has been NO increase in serious knife crime, and that faced with this, Blair had ordered his officials to blitz news-organisations and pressure-groups with ANECDOTAL STORIES. Yes, you read that correctly, the official policy of Blair's New Reich party is to use the same tactic from the racist email mentioned above.
Of course, it was Thatcher that famously destroyed most of the public facing government stats collecting agencies, and removed the checks designed to weed out racist recruits to the police force. Wicked governments want options that may well be destroyed by the application of good practice.
What really influences ordinary people? Well yesterday ITN was telling us loudly on all of its news broadcasts, INCLUDING Channel 4 news that the muslims are EVIL and TERRORIST in nature if they respond in any way to the crimes carried out against fellow muslims in Chechnya, Palestine, Afghanistan, and Iraq. After 'interviewing' a muslim from some human rights body, the ITN reporter informed the audience that his responses PROVED that muslims were terrorists.
ITN isn't ashamed of using the same tactics as used by the nazi controlled media when demonising their jewish targets. Like the nazis, ITN does whatever it thinks is powerful in the service of Blair.
What do Blair, and Hitler have most in common, in this regard? That they both need above all else to make rich, powerful, and privileged people feel like victims. This would seem a very difficult task, but Human psychology makes it all too easy, when the abuser controls the message.
First comes FEAR- ensure that the target population lives with the most expansive reinforced paranoia money can buy. Second comes the MASTER-RACE DOCTRINE. Those that intend to 'hurt us' are 'sub-human scum' that can never have an appreciation of 'our' civilisation. Third, and cleverest, is to use the media to damage the ability of the targets to be fundamentally happy. Family, home, possessions, relationships, etc., MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO BE SOURCES OF STRENGTH.
People must fear their partners, fear their future, fear their kids, hate their home, hate their neighbours. These memes are neatly disguised as 'ambitions' or 'aspirations'.
-my kids are fat, ill, lazy, or stupid
-I hate my house, and MUST change it as soon as possible.
-my possessions are JUNK because they don't match those things that the IMPORTANT people on TV have.
-a long term relationship with my partner would mean that I am a weak-willed idiot, who is prepared to settle for less.
Happy people are the least vunerable people when it comes to propaganda. Happiness requires a sensible outlook, and this generates mental protection.
People who merely think they are happy, but would change every major aspect of their life if they could, are the most vunerable to propaganda, since their opinion about life is already totally given to them by the so-called lifestyle messages flowing daily from the mass media.
Unhappy people will tend to scapegoat others.
Now it gets nastier. Propaganda is best when using truths or half-truths. Blair is well placed to ensure the corrupt or the stupid get to positions of power, and in doing so act in ways that disgust all of us. These powerful scumbags represent no-one, but will claim that they are the leaders or protectors of various communities. In any year, Blair can harvest thousands of moronic actions by these people, knowing that they will then fuel rabble-rousing propaganda of the type seen in the email.
Who are the people MOST DISGUSTED AT COUNCILS THAT ATTEMPT TO EXTRACT BRITISH TRADITION FROM XMAS? Those self-same so-called ethnic groups that the corrupt council leaders claim to be acting on behalf of. Blair's own people act to cause 'race' tension where no such tension would otherwise exist. So called ethnic leaders are invited to be terminally corrupt in the service of Blair, and measure their success by the amount of division and trouble they create. So called ethnic leaders that refuse to serve Blair are targetted for destruction (which at this moment in time, mostly means destruction in terms of significance).
People unhappy. People frightened. People convinced that their enemies are 'sub-human savages'. People looking for scapegoats. All this should sound so very familiar.
Are YOU unhappy? If so, are you aware of how Humans were forced to live for the hundreds of thousands of years before this moment in history? Could you explain to any of those tens of billions that lived before you how those that live like kings in comparison have come to be so pathetic and spoilt?
Are you frightened? If so, is this the reasonable fear of the power of monsters like Hitler or Blair being used to destroy everything, or is it the idiot fear inserted by Blair's propaganda masters, so that YOUR fear is nothing more than a crop for Blair to harvest in the futherance of his evil intentions.
Do you EVER consider the victims of Blair, and thus the victims of all of us in this nation, as somehow LESSER Humans than us? Do you EVER give in to the temptation of thinking that they are HAPPY with less, and do not have the inherent sophistication to desire and appreciate those things that we take for granted? Do you give to charity to PROVE you are superior to them? (think VERY carefully about this- why do you think the nazis and the BBC both push(ed) the idea of 'charity' so hard).
Do you spend YOUR time looking for scapegoats. Does the idea of looking into the mirror to understand the true source of evil live outside your understanding. Do you swallow ANY of Blair's propaganda from his all pervasive mass media, and tell yourself that it makes no difference. Have you ever sought to escape your brainwashing from school history and RE lessons, and attempted to understand the true reasons that times of terrible evil, and times of relative decency occured in the past?
Has your outlook on life gradually changed from a careless consideration that all people are equal, to one that states "given everything that is happening, at least I am a member of the richest, most powerful, best armed tribe". Has Blair made you a nazi, without you even realising it. Do you seek to deny this fact by public shows of your 'goodness' by attacking emails like the above?
I'm not like the others. I don't seek to win friends by finding emotional vunerabilities, and using these to offer re-assurances. If the truth hurts, it is because the truth is meant to hurt. This last point is key. Many of Hitler's most powerful supporters took pride in the fact that THEY didn't hate jews, or approved of their persecution. This did not make them disloyal to Hitler, but the very opposite. Blair has no problem with any 'liberal' taking offence at the propaganda targetted at 'Sun' readers, providing that person dutifully swallows the Blair propaganda fashioned for them.
If you wish to be a good person outside the reach of Blair, you should NOT be identifying the propaganda aimed at others UNTIL you are identifying the propaganda aimed at yourself. The alternative is to become a servant of Blair, by falling into his elitist trap, just as so many did with Hitler before him. In '1984' the central character is 'middle class', living and working with other middle-class people (a point that many forget, given their rotten lifestyle). The working classes are largely outside of 'big brothers' direct control, because it is considered that they are successfully handled with the most basic, cheap, and primitive propaganda methods. Orwell would have taken one look at the email, laughed, and then asked "what is big brother doing to control you?"
we control the horizontal and vertical
07.07.2006 03:11
the twilight zone