Clown Army
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nice one!
10.04.2006 09:52
These buses suck!
10.04.2006 22:15
I'll get you Butler! - Blakey from 'On the Buses'
Route Master King Bell Ringer
13.04.2006 21:28
Do so-called samba bands have to wear pink? Do they now have to dress as clowns too?
Why oh why do you call yourselves sambaistas? Do you really think pink clowns are a revolutionary force? Are you taking the piss out of Mexican social struggles? And why pink (I hope you're not misunderstanding the pink & silver block at the World Bank protests in Prague; this was not a pacifist block).
FFS - get in touch
15.04.2006 19:52
15.04.2006 21:45
OK FFS, hang on...
16.04.2006 12:09
reply to FFS
18.04.2006 14:18
The starting question for me is “how do we live in modern times?” and the starting answer is “by doing anything rather than nothing”. By that I mean the current orthodoxy takes for granted the capitalist-consumerist-territorial-authoritarian norm and unless you say or do something to the contrary it is presumed you are signing up to it. If the long term goal is to overturn that orthodoxy then the short term tactics need to include challenging it, questioning it, ridiculing it. And the greater variety these forms of dissent can take the better. The worst thing that can happen is for supposed dissent to be sucked in to the accepted pattern of things – maybe Stop the War Marches are an example of this.
Well, what has this got to do with samba bands? You mentioned the pink & silver block at the World Bank protests in Prague from which developed the idea of tactical frivolity (see – “a space that exists in the gap between total compliance and violent confrontation”. We need that gap because constant violent confrontation is not going to happen right here right now and, more importantly, when it happens in small doses it will pretty surely be a loser in these oppressive times. (Incidentally, the ROR network is not by default pacifist – having adopted PGA Hallmarks and worked out by the way it has operated in cooperation with other groupings in recent times). So, if we have a thread to contribute to the web of dissent it is to do with surprising people, confronting power, and not being predictable.
The grumpy old city of Sheffield is mardy about First Buses repeatedly putting up fares, cutting services and being answerable to no one – a silly, noisy cardboard bus cooking a snook at First might briefly turn a moan into a smile and a smile into a bit more confidence to make a fuss. ROR people working with a local pensioners’ action group achieved a similar thing recently (see news report here:
Ok – I don’t really want to go nit-picking but you might think I’m not responding to you properly unless I say:
“sambista” – not a word used by us in the report above but I think it means “person who takes part into the activities of a samba group or a samba school”
“samba” - ROR bands don’t call themselves “samba bands” but “drum band that plays at demonstrations and direct actions” – we inevitably get called samba bands
“clowns” – CIRCA can speak for themselves if they wish (
So, FFS, we do what we do – I guess as different people we do loads of other things too. We do what we have the imagination for here and now – tomorrow it will be different.