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Informal Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN)
Start Date: 09/09/05
End Date: 10/09/05
Meeting type: Informal Ministerial Meeting
Policy area: Economic and Financial Affairs
Location: G-MEX/MICC, Manchester
The Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) meets around 9 times a year, and informally once every six months in the country holding the Presidency. The informal meeting of ECOFIN during the UK Presidency will be held from Friday 9 to Saturday 10 September in Manchester.
The Chancellor of the Exchequer will host the Informal and chair its proceedings with the Paymaster General in the UK seat. The Central Bank Governors of each Member State will accompany Finance Ministers to the meeting. Representatives of the EU institutions will also be present. The Informal will be preceded by a meeting of the Eurogroup.
The Informal is an opportunity for Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to discuss the economic opportunities and challenges facing the EU in the context of rapid global economic change. It will also be a final opportunity for EU Ministers to address how to raise the resources needed to meet the Millennium Development Goals in preparation for the UN Millennium Declaration Review Summit on 14-16 September.