...but were stuck trying to get the feed from the studio (
http://radio.burngreave.net:8000/bcr.m3u ) to the transmitter ( 87.7Mhz FM ). At short notice we put together a solution [1], using the dynebolic Linux distribution [2], wireless routers [3] and 2 icecast servers [4] to bypass restrictive firewalls.
Things we've learnt.
1. If it can break it will. The studio was burgled. Access at the transmitter was difficult. Firewalls out of our control filtered traffic. One of the icecast servers became disconnected by an upstream provider....
2. A lot more people know how to type "ping www.bbc.co.uk" than they did before.
3. Linux and Networking is easy.. given enough time and energy ( and the will to learn )
http://www.burngreave.net/module.php?mod=filestore&op=download&id=294 [2]
http://www.dynebolic.org/ [3]
http://www.openwrt.org [4]