Protest sites are obviously completely non profit organisations and rely on funds from donations and people raising money from benefit gigs.
Those living on protest sites make a choice to live outside all year to defend the natural environment. Some people have lived at Nine Ladies for over 5 years.
Even though protest sites benefit from publicity gained at the Green Gathering we think that the BGG could afford to welcome them without charge as they have done in the past.
This policy has already put some people off from attending this years event which will already have cost the organisers more than they will gain from charging the site.
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pull the other one
01.08.2005 22:11
02.08.2005 10:54
02.08.2005 11:14
I agree with both sides
02.08.2005 15:25
2./ There are campaigns that have worked in this field that will probably not be going back as they cannot afford the charges.
3./ There are loads of hippie capitalist wankers their e.g crystal field - about as eco friendly as the portaloos ( or the tractors that were deliberately driving around in circles churning up the field )
4./ Yep - The 9 ladies cliquie semed less about campaigning than Brew, pills and K and fucking arseholes.
5./ it's all got very bourgouis like glasto-shite and all its leeching apologists and all the other shite. It always fucking was ( except for a blip in the late 80s - early 90s when the factories had just finished ejecting people ( pikey-chavs u may fink ) like a fucking conveyor belt straight onto the rock and troll queues. Yes we were fucking angry.
6./ Jihad all the way you pathetic hippy, trot, and ( pretend )anarcho scum.
7./ Liberals are just nazis with better table manners. e.g your avergae property investor and Waitrose customer. Here's to the Oxfam mamger who thinks sweatshops are Ok as it stops the kids from starving. And the social housing landlord ( who isn't raeally jusatifying his ridiculously huge paycheque, shit-overpriced, poorly built 'social' housing. A curse and holdall to you all.
pikey jihad
03.08.2005 00:00
As for campaigns paying to be there, yeah that sucks, but I don't many of many groups who serious wanting to go in order to represent and present a campaign that have fail to secure a free pitch. Perhaps somebody has got pissed off with pissed up (or K'd up) nine ladies crew in previous years. I seem to remember an incident involving the Fairford Peacce Camp stall getting somewhat trashed a couple of years back for example.
05.08.2005 09:51