"Chief UK police officers are asking the government for new powers that would allow them to attack terrorist websites."
"The list of recommendations does not detail how police would attack websites but in many cases remotely disabling a web server involves a denial of service attack (i.e. sending floods of data to overwhelm it)."
Anti-terror legislation has been used against Indymedia: http://www.eff.org/Censorship/Indymedia/ ...this has scary implications...
More on this on spy.org.uk:
Also saw this on silicon.com:
"A UK man has been fined £500 and sentenced to 12 months' conditional discharge for hijacking a wireless broadband connection."
"Police sources said Straszkiewicz was caught standing outside a building in a residential area holding a wireless-enabled laptop."
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Who is the terrorist? Matter of opinion
26.07.2005 13:43
Mobile Audit Club has videos of abuse and music.
Kurt Brown, AKA Saint Ram Bone
Homepage: http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/democracyordeath/index.html
26.07.2005 15:31
it's so controlled by the thought plice already that the moment you post eg any bush-did-911 or blair-did-july-7 material it gets hidden right away,and so darkened that you can't even read the hidden post...
fuck blair.
enough already
photos Doctored + Censorship
26.07.2005 18:52
The four bombing suspects photographed entering the railway station that is being touted about all over the press is clearly doctored as shown on several web-sites. At least one of the suspects hes been doctored in the photograph, its even more clearer when seen on tv. And yes of course maybe there is involvement from extremists but what is the big picture. As for the censorship this site clearly needs to drop the word indy its a complete joke. It could play a key role in exposing 9/11 for what it truly is but instead is censored to the hilt allowing agitators a free role. Come on wake up investigate 9/11 then when you here Blair spouting on about that awful day you certainly will have reason for total suspicion. Why am i on the site? answer i really don't know i keep hoping i'll wake up from a bad dream and hope things have changed. Oh well heres hoping.
26.07.2005 22:32
I'm sorry but 'loonplanet.con', 'infoloons.con' and 'whatneverreallyhappned' don't constitute evidence. I recommend professional therapy. For war boy: go look at few corpses than come back.
27.07.2005 00:29
Bill Posters
such a delightful attitude
27.07.2005 09:13
If they don't like it, you can't see it.
Is magoo[t] in charge?
e-mail: jackslucid@hotmail.com
Aye, Right
29.07.2005 20:05
Oh if only - the amount of Blair/Bush did it crap I plough through on this site.....
Paranoid Pete