June 11th 8:30am Devonshire Green To join The Anti War Demo on the same day..
On the Streets! Off Sheffield
June 11th 8:30am Devonshire Green
To join The Anti War Demo on the same day..
Critical Mass is often described as an 'unorganised coincidence'. It happens when a lot of cyclists happen to be in the same place at the same time and decide to cycle the same way together for a while..
"Everyday, all over the world, people are resisting the problem culture of the car by getting on their bikes and riding, instead of driving. Critical Mass is a celebration of the alternatives to cars, pollution, accidents and the loss of public spaces and freedoms. Not an organisation or group, but an idea or tactic, Critical Mass allows people to reclaim cities with their bikes, just by getting together and out-numbering the cars on the road"
Each one is different and they follow no set route, with the direction being spontaneously chosen as people cycle along. Anyone is free to join or leave the ride as it pedals along. The ride lasts no more than a couple of hours (depending on the weather!) We aim to join the anit war demo on the same day and bike with them to peace in the park

Nope! Critical Mass is not just for bikes - skateboards, roller blades, wheelchairs, pogo sticks – space hopers are more than wellcome, in fact any form of non-motorised, non-polluting are all very welcome!
So why a Crticall Mass / Anti War Demo?
From the 15th - 17th June the Justice and Interior Ministers from the eight most powerful countries in the world - the G8 - will meet in Sheffield. Groups of local people are coming together to show them how unwelcome they and their painful policies are. But also to create space where we can share experiences, learn from each other, and explore alternatives through which we can prioritise the needs, dignity and joy of people and protect our environment. While the G8 Ministers are in Sheffield discussing policies and tactics of increasing repression, we will make clear our rejection of them and work towards true freedom, peace and democracy.
If you make people frightened enough they will agree to anything...... It has been argued by many that if you get people to be scared enough they will easily give up hard won civil liberties and turn on others to protect themselves. Is this what is happening to us – a constant bombardment of images and sound bites from the media, politicians and other people who we are told "know best", whipping up a disproportionate fear of crime, fear of foreigners, fear of migrant workers and asylum seekers, probably even fear of our own neighbours.
Where will this end and where will it leave us and our communities? What will our lives be like when we have traded in all our civil liberties to protect ourselves from these exaggerated demons? No rights to be angry with our government? No right to protest and demand change? Unlimited detention? Trial without jury? Not knowing what we are on trial for? House Arrest? No scope for anonymity and personal freedom - ID cards, CCTV, databases, DNA samples, retina scans? No right to asylum and freedom from persecution and the wars perpetuated by others? No right to work here and contribute to the economic and social well being of our communities? How long will it be until we have no rights at all and all that was hard won for us by past generations is lost?
No Justice No Peace.......
The Justice and Interior Ministers are meeting in Sheffield to discuss these very issues - how people can be controlled and monitored, how much further civil rights can be dismantled to aid the continuing so called "War on Terror", how to keep out asylum seekers and other migrants without considering how the warmongering, perpetuation of conflicts and economic exploitation of people in other countries contributes to migration and how our own countries have grown prosperous from the contribution of migrant workers. Nowhere in this dialogue is there to be any meaningful use of the word "Justice".This will be the start of a week of direct action a three day conyter confrance and other events slef organised by people who are working AGAINST THE G8 in Sheffield.
So how can I join in?......
The anti war demo will be marching to Peace in the Park where there will be more Workshops talks and planning for Action when the G8 Circus comes to Town here are some other planned events in the lead up to G8 coming to Sheffield. A whole host of events are planned in Sheffield and some are listed on the back of this flyer, and there are many ways you can get involved - protesting, creative actions against the G8, clowning around with the Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army, banner making, counter-conference, workshops, benefit nights of bands and sound systems, film nights, Peace in the Park festival - we hope you will be able to join us in a week long festival of resistance and change in Sheffield. For more information contact

Stop press Stop press Stop press
There will be another Critical Mass: On the Streets! Off Sheffield June 15th 4:30pm Devonshire Green when the g8 arives in town to meet a planned demo for 7:30 same night..

Check www.sheffield.dissent.org.uk for upcoming details for info of events. Not on the web then try The BBC city center. Any local library.. Open from Monday to Saturdays.(check there times) There is also Access space open Tuesday to Saturday 11 to 7 one sidney street Sheffield.

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