A banner in the courtyard
The tsunami disaster benefit gig
one of the bands that played
another of the bands that played
some grafitti inside the place
squat crowd
squat crowd
squat crowd
right place, right time, right sticker
silver squat artwork
Hide the following 3 comments
02.02.2005 11:35
the 3rd and 4th pictures are The Narcotix playing at the Tsunami benefit
the 8th picture is from the final gig, last Sunday.
I miss the Silver Squat and I feel so angry when I think of the soulless but lucrative block of flats that will no doubt be built where these things happened.
punx arnt dead.
02.02.2005 14:39
you make an old get very happy..
thank you people..
old get punk..
old punk.
Kicked out
25.11.2005 00:55
good place
e-mail: samz134@msn.com
Homepage: http://www.myspace.com/nighttimeartists