Keeping the pressure on, by encouraging more people to write - expressing their support for alternatives to the bypass and condemning the PDNPAs position with regard to the A628 bypass - and getting the PDNPA onside are essential to our success in bringing this road scheme to its knees.
If you support our campaign, please write to Tony Hams, Chairman, Peak District National Park Authority, Aldern House, Baslow Road, Bakewell DE45 1AE and also send a copy of your letter to your local Councillor/MP.
Tell him that:
- You want a weight limit imposed on the A628 and lorries routed away from the A628/A57 onto to the M1/M62 motorway network.
- You support proposals to reopen the Woodhead Tunnel and a new rail-freight/passenger link between Sheffield and Manchester.
- You don’t want your countryside, the Swallow’s Wood nature reserve and the Peak District National Park ruined by road or any other building development.
If you don't have time to write, please e-mail us and we'll send you a draft letter you can sign and send.
Sign our petiton online at