Military Families Against the War has been created by some of those most affected by the war - The mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters of those UK soldiers who have lost their lives in this illegal war.
They will begin their campaign by delivering a wreath to 10 Downing Street at 16.00hrs on Wednesday 10th November.
Prior to this event, the campaign will be officially launched at a press conference at 15.00 hrs in room A, 1 Parliament Street.
After the families have delivered the wreath they will be holding a private meeting with over 50 MP's from all parties setting out why they have felt it necessary to set up this organisation.
Finally they will hold their first public demonstration later on Wednesday when they hold a vigil and rally on Parliament Square from 17.30hrs.
Lindsay German Convenor of Stop The War said today
"Tony Blair is off to visit George Bush in America while he should be visiting those who have lost their loved ones in his illegal and unnecessary war. "
Time Table for Wednesday 10th November
. 15.00hrs Launch press conference for Families Against the War. Room A, 1 Parliament Street, Whitehall. Speaking will be Rose Gentle, mother of Gordon who lost his life in Baghdad, Reg Keys father of Tom who lost his life in Iraq while serving with the Royal Military Police and Teresa Evans whose son also died in Iraq. This press conference will also be attended by Christine Robinson and James Buchanan who both have sons serving in the Black Watch.
. 16.00hrs the families will be going to Downing Street to lay a wreath for those who have died in this conflict and calling on Tony Bair to bring the troops home.
. 17.00hrs private meeting between the families and MP's
. 17.30hrs vigil and rally at Parliament Square.
For Further details and interviews call Andrew Burgin on 07939 242 229
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please be aware families....
09.11.2004 11:34
more info...
09.11.2004 15:21
"Families start anti-war campaign"
And info on Military Families Speak Out, the US group MFAW are modelled on:
09.11.2004 16:01
They new the risks when they signed up.