Theres still time to build a beautiful peace lantern at one of the Creative Action Network's many workshops taking place throughout the next week. Mother's Day never looked so good!
Sharrow’s first ever ‘Lantern Carnival’ is nearly upon us.
On the 21st of March, the streets of Sharrow will be lit up by a spectacular procession of home-made lanterns. A river of light will weave it’s way from Mount Pleasant Park at 6:00pm and arrive in the General Cemetery at 7pm for a grand finale of live music, performance and surprises.
Mother’s day has never looked so good! (or is it Mother Earth day?)
Why March the 21st?
The Spring Equinox weekend falls on the anniversary of the UK and the USA’s invasion and occupation of Iraq.
The Creative Action Network ask that the people of Sheffield build peace lanterns, and remember what the state would rather we forget.
Fitting for such a diverse community, the 21st of march is also International day against Racism. Racism that can lend itself to an acceptance of entire cultures as spokes on an “Axis of Evil”. We believe that carnival is a great way to draw attention to alternative ways of building sustainable peaceable communities. To quote Bejamin Shepard, “Fun and Freedom are essential tools for activists aiming to create a better world”. We are determined that Bush and Blair’s insistence on Perma-war will not destroy our sense of joy.
The carnival also celebrates the launch of Sheffield Social Forum, at which CAN is holding a workshop, on Saturday the 28th. Go

CAN supports these aims entirely. We believe Strong, creative communities are vital too.
In the last week alone, over a hundred children from Porter Croft junior School have made lanterns.
Expect to see illuminated jumping jacks, pedal powered trike’s with glowing trees growing from them, mother goddess’s, gleaming sharks, shining cows, and a shoal of fiery fish!
There is still plenty of time to build a lantern from tissue paper and willow at one of the workshops leading up to the event. Be as ambitious as you want……
You can collect instructions, and a ‘home-build’ kit, from a workshop, containing all the materials you’ll need.
Some Comments by workshoppers…..
“I thort it was exalent, my fish is coming on Grate!”
Patch, Age 8
“Really enjoyable, my 4 year old got really involved all afternoon”
A happy mum.
For a comprehensive list of forthcoming workshops go to

WE still need Helpers to help make things run smoothly on the day.
In Particular we need First Aiders, and Marshals, but there will also be an opportunity for lovely useful people to help do such things as erect wig-wams, transport teaurns and fix thingamajiggs, and adorn the cemetery space on the day. Come to any of the workshops to donate your usefulness, or be at Highfield Church Hall @ 2:30pm on the day. Contacting us as soon as poss would help us allocate you a job.
Potential Performers, Musicians, and Circus dudes should contact the finale co-ordinator on 0114 2966646.
We are also documenting the event for a exhibition, and would love to hear from Video-workers and photographers who would be willing to record the carnival.
Saturday the 13th March @ Highfield Trinity Church Hall (in the basement Hall, on the junction of Abbeydale and London Rds)10:00am - 6:00pm
Sunday 14th March @ Broomhall Community Centre
(Broomhall Lane)10:00am - 2.30pm
ALSO Sunday 14th March "ART in the PARK"
@ Langsett Green, (below Walkley School
near Grammar Street, off Infirmary Road) 2:15pm - 4:30pm
Wednesday the 15th of March, at the Landsowne Estate Community Rooms on Club Garden Road, from 2:00pm to 6:00pm
Pick up materials, or stay and build lanterns on
Thursday 18th, Friday 19th, and Saturday 20th of March at Highfield Trinity Church Hall, (on the junction of London and Abbeydale Roads) from 10:00 am to 6:00pm
Please understand that this is a small scale community event with a peace and love vibe. It is being organised and run by volunteers, and is free to everybody who specticipates and collaborates, (although there will be an opportunity to donate on the night). CAN asks only that you respect the community of Sharrow. Street vendors and Fire Breathers NOT welcome.
Gather 6pm Mount Pleasant Park, for last minute bodging, safety checks, and illumination. Setting off 6.30pm ish.
Ring 0114 2966646 (Matt) 0114 2555815 (Colette) for further details. Email:

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