UK alternative politics seems divided into two camps. While domestic issues such as poverty and housing (for example) don't get the support of the activist community, international issues benefit from the huge amount of creative resources available - where protests are often seen as having more sex appeal - how much of this is due to the hedonistic culture of our time?
If you have any thoughts/ comments/ ideas/ experience of how this "pleasure seeking" may get in the way of politics - or even if you consider hedonism as a positive, essential ingredient for the task in hand - we're looking for people to share their experiences to be printed as a future publication (once known as collectableanorak - a handfull of south yorkshire folk feeling the need to resurrect this project as a one off!) In time for those hedonistic riots the working class so love i.e. the long hot summers (around end of May start of June)
If you can send us a piece on this subject (in no more than 500 words) please email us
or leave a comment below if you'd prefer.
Some might not consider this article to be news but it's quite generally felt that this kind of subject needs to be debated.
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oh please
14.01.2004 16:27
as some great person (maybe emma goldman?) once said...if i can't dance its not my revolution...
unlucky richard
it is true
14.01.2004 17:19
14.01.2004 17:46
14.01.2004 18:03
It was only a couple of years ago when someone express an opinion to me that:
"the only political thing that you can do in this day and age, is to have fun"
I strongly feel that the latter quote's not gone out of date yet!
one of the anoraks
14.01.2004 18:15
yes politics should be fun and enjoyable and that's what i think people like rts were making a move towards? in the last few years there has been the introduction of white powder to the alternative culture? why would this be? oh lets think. yes - divide, rule and fuck up a positive i would guess?.. been in this world for 40 years, know me shit.. you might desire to call me old and cynical.. idd prefer to say i'm just seeing shit from another view point and wisdom having used all known drugs to man and suffered likewise due to that use.. having seen people die in front of me from overdose etc.. fuck i watched a realative at the age of 9 die from an overdose of smack.. smack aint new just more fucking prolific, why would that be? the powers that be have no longer the means of social control ie work so pump up the drugs supply? nuff said i guess you now get where i, as one of the collective that is urbanparanoia, is coming from.. of course this is my view - you should be at our (non)meeting, grand argument but common agreement does arrive in time.. translator, an e mail is on its way, thanks for your offer..
one of the anoraks
14.01.2004 18:18
clearly, i'm going to the wrong protests. time to get out a bit more selectively, i think.
and i like...
play politics, collective happiness is subversive.
(theres nothing they hate more....)
14.01.2004 18:21
A lot boils down to the task in hand. If it's taking to the streets to register numbers or an opposition then for pans sake do it with some joy in your heart and inspire each other, don't, just please don't, walk from a to b and go home. The same is true to an extent if the protest is a blockade or occupation - why do it in a glum way when you can enjoy it, oh and silly costumes can still help public perception and the media vultures vision.
That said, housing does get a fair bit of attention but yes poverty less. Hmm wonder why that is then. Could it be that the solution isnt really helped by cavorting in the streets and telling people that there is poverty. The people working on it are those who spend their time working with either alternative schemes like LETS (local exchange trading schemes) and housing co-ops or crisis intervention organisations.
Correct me if I'm wrong but....
15.01.2004 17:05
Do you have to demonstrate against a symptom or against a root cause for it to count?
out of ideas
16.01.2004 20:24
The top three targets at the moment are:
-the lack of direct action in the stop the war coalition and all their resolutions for the sake of it.
-the left/far left being stuck in the pre-thatcher years and ironicly being a tool of the middle classes
-the left posing as standing up for the working class through top-up-fees and actually ignoring the real social problems and the most marginalised loosing out - as always.
more info..
21.01.2004 18:50
one the anoraks
act four peace..