Anybody who wants to join in fun alternatives to Shopping for Buy Nothing Day; please meet outside Sheffield Cathedral on Saturday at 1pm….
PROPS and some ideas
1.A really, really long, joke Shopping List. Featuring things that money can’t buy such as Love, Hope, Happiness….. To be used in conjunction with a a temper tantrum, cos its not much fun being a shopper, and you’ve had enough.
2.Shopping Bags. Find Posh Shopping bags to hide your goodies in. Fill with banners, placards, musical instruments, and packed lunch, to be revealed later.
3.Dead leaves. Collect these from the park and let them accidently leak out of a hole in the corner of your posh shopping bag.
4.Sewing Kit/ kniting. Sew or knit home-made corporate logo patch’s onto cheap old clothes. Don’t worry if you can’t sew or knit, it’ll make it funnier. Heck, we all want to keep up to date with our fashions, but can’t afford it, and besides, we don’t like the fact that our favorite fashions are made in sweat shops. We’d rather make do and mend. But don’t get us wrong: we just love the brand.
5.Home made Sandwiches and a flask of fair trade tea. We must eat after all.
6.Drawing Kit/ Camera. Try to record your shtopping trip. You have enjoyed it so much, you wish to show others the wonderful places you visited.
7.Board Games and packs of cards. Try shouting “SHOP” instead of Snap. You could also try twister, break-dancing to Musak or practice Tai-Chi.
SEE YOU SATURDAY 1pm outside Sheffield Cathedral. More Instructions/intervention ideas to be revealed....
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28.11.2003 20:16