Linux Summer School.
Learn how to install and configure Linux. A number of free places are available, please book early as these are limited.
Find out about building machines from redundant hardware, installing Linux, and configuring hard and software.
Basically, the essentials.
September 5th (5.30pm) > > Prevett and McArthur exhibition launch and video screening.(Refreshments will be served)
More details to follow on this. The exhibition will feature work by Jim Prevett.
You can see some of his work at
September 13th (2pm-4pm) > >
HTML workshop.
Learn how to make your own websites. £15 per person - 6 places available, book now. The workshop covers everything you need to get a site online... and you will do by the end of the session.
September 20th > >
Tools & Techniques day.
Using Linux for desktop multimedia. A day of useful stuff about using Linux for fun stuff. We have the A2RT group from Birmingham coming up to help with sessions on video, mp3, vector graphics and all sorts of fun stuff.
More details to follow soon...
September 27th (2pm-4pm) > >
CSS workshop.
£15 per person.
Make web design easier with Cascading Style Sheets.
This workshop will contain:
1] Problems with presentational HTML (font tags, tables, etc.)
2] Basic CSS formating:
- text styling
- margins, borders and backgrounds
- lists
- basic positioning
3] Style-sheets for different media - desktop PCs, printers, PDAs, screen-readers, etc.
4] Seperation of style from content - a key to interoperability
5] Where to learn more.
VERY useful knowledge for making your sites work better. What more do you need to know?
With thanks to R.A.L.P and Yorkshire Arts.
in person
11am-7pm, Tuesday-Saturday
1 Sidney Street, Sheffield.
Phone: 0114 2495588

e mail

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We open in September: