The first week's show can be heard here in RealAudio format -

This week we will be playing the second part of an interview recorded last week with Nick and Helen, two local activists who were at the Genoa and Evian actions. There will be an interview with some squatters reporting on the Sheffield squatting scene. A local DJ and musician, Aejaz 'The Dervesh' will be in the studio talking about his life and music, and who has a tune on the 'Peace Not War' CD (

Hopefully we will have an interview with a former soldier now known as the Buddhist Punk who'll be reciting some of his poetry. We will look at some newswire items and have a round up of local and forthcoming events. Lastly we will have an interview with local musician Ruth who will finish the show with a live rendition of her song "Dancing On the Ruins of Multi-Nationals".
There is a chat room accessible from the website using Internet Explorer but if you are not then the server is irc.oftc.net, port 6667, channel #SheffieldLive - so you can speak live to the studio.
Hope you can tune in.
18:00:00 Indymedia jingle (30secs)
Introduction to this weeks show - Bill (60secs)
Quick intro to Nick & Helen interview - Bill (60secs)
18:02:30 Nick & Helen interview (10mins)
18:12:30 Sheffield squatters interviews - Steve (10mins)
Adam & Tania (5mins)
Tom (5mins)
18:22:30 Sheffield Live! Jingle (30secs)
18:23:00 Aejaz Interview - Christina (10mins)
Aejaz tune (3mins)
Aejaz Interview (7mins)
18:33:00 Buddhist Punk - Bill (10mins)
18:43:00 Newswire - Lucy (3mins)
18:46:00 Sheffield Indymedia jingle (30secs)
18:47:00 Round up of local events and plugs (3mins)
18:50:00 Ruth Interview - Christina (10mins)
Ruth tune - Dancing…(3mins)
19:00:00 Out