Biggest demo for years
Before the demo 30 - 40 cyclists toured the town along with a solar powered a sound system and a banner that said ‘Oil War’. The main event began with an open mike session giving anyone the chance to speak along with free food from Food NOT Bombs. Then followed a fairly short walk round to Devonshire Green where more food, music and speeches were made.
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A big demo, biggest for years but
29.10.2001 19:14
There have been large demos in Sheffield since then, for example during the last Gulf War a similar number marched. I think there were probably less Muslims on the demonstration on Saturday than then. This not to pour cold water on other's enthusiasm, but it is important to keep things in perspective. 1500 means that lots of people who are against the war came on to the streets, it also means that most people in Sheffield are not firmly opposed to the war. There is a lot of work to do.