Last week for me was not just another run of the mill week…. I got a tip
off from Greenpeace to go and film an action in Sheffield. Once there, I
discovered the issue. In Sheffield there is a waste incinerator which
continually breaches government regulations. Greenpeace were there to shut
it down.
The action took place in the early hours of 22nd May. The Greenpeace group
split into two, each with five Greenpeace volunteers and a member of the
press. One group climbed up the incinerator tower, the other, which I was
filming, ran into the rubbish delivery area, stopping the huge pits of
waste go to the incinerator. The climbers I watched then abseiled down from
hand rails and ended up hanging above the tonnes of smelly waste.
On the Tuesday my footage was broadcast on the local ITV news. I'd got my
footage out, but I didn't feel like I'd go the complete story unless I got
the ending too, but I didn't realise quite how long I would have to wait.
Sixty hours after the campaigners first went in the council got an
injunction through, and Greenpeace was forced to leave by the court. I'd
spent two nights in a rubbish dump. The smell was awful, especially at
night when the workers shut the doors. The huge building resembled the
inside of a hoover bag, with thick dust getting everywhere, and the hot
weather increased the number of flies. I wore a hot sweaty face mask most
of the time, and idled my time away filming, reading or watching the rats
scurrying around below.
When the time came to leave, I had the camera rolling. I had made it very
clear that I was a freelance journalist, and the police said they knew
that. They let me film the group I'd been with getting arrested, and put
into the police vans. They let me hand my tape over to get it out
immediately. It was broadcast on local BBC and ITV news. Then when I
started on another tape, they announced I was also under arrest!
I'd never been arrested before. At the police station, the police felt
obviously torn. These weren't their normal criminals, everyone was polite
and good humoured. And the policeman that took my fingerprints and photo,
told me he'd be in Oxford, my home town, over the weekend and he's got
three young children. He was glad they'd highlighted the issue of how the
people of Sheffield are being polluted with dioxins and many other noxious
substances. Could he buy me a pint? The police were polite and friendly,
gave me lots of tea and a good meal, much appreciated after three days of
roughing it.
I felt perfectly calm about it all until they announced that they wouldn't
grant me bail until they'd searched my home! I hadn't heard of this
happening to journalists before. I was shocked and very worried that they'd
take work related equipment which would stop me doing my job. Luckily there
was no-one in and the Oxford police obviously decided against breaking down
the door, though apparently they had the right to do so.
Seven hours later I was released without my trousers or shoes. I had to
wear daft looking police hand outs. More importantly, they have kept my
camera kit which I desperately need for my work. I am hoping that my case
will get dropped before it comes to a court case, but I am angry that as a
journalist they can threaten to impose on your home life.
The protestors painted 'Toxic Crime' down the incinerator tower and I have
been accused of conspiracy to commit criminal damage, even though I was
clearly labelled as Press with my Union card.
This incinerator has breached government regulations 157 times in the last
three years! Who are the real criminals?
Zoe Broughton (

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Keep telling the story!
30.05.2001 09:49
Wonder if the NUJ have a view on this?
Please keep us informed what happens next Zoe, important for people to know, especially imc types!
Peter D